Song List

Song Artist Album Lyrics
Blue Rock (I Miss You) (Air Studios 1st Mix) Vardis The World's Insane
Dirty Money (Air Studios) Vardis The World's Insane
Steve Zodiac's (Silver Machine) Moog Experiment Vardis The World's Insane
Steamin' Along Vardis The World's Insane
Love Is Dead Vardis The World's Insane
Money Grabber Vardis The World's Insane
Power Underfoot Vardis The World's Insane
Steamin' Along (Live) Vardis 100 MPH
Too Many People (Live) Vardis 100 MPH
If I Were King (Live) Vardis 100 MPH
Together Tonight Vardis Quo Vardis
To Be With You Vardis Quo Vardis
Let's Go (Live) Vardis 100 MPH
The Loser (Live) Vardis 100 MPH
Destiny (Live) Vardis 100 MPH
The Lion's Share (Live) Vardis 100 MPH
Move Along (Live) Vardis 100 MPH
Out of the Way (Live) Vardis 100 MPH
Curse the Gods Vardis The World's Insane
All You Ever Need Vardis The World's Insane
Police Patrol Vardis The World's Insane
Silver Machine Vardis The World's Insane
Blue Rock (I Miss You) Vardis The World's Insane
The World's Insane Vardis The World's Insane
The Lion's Share (Air Studios) Vardis Quo Vardis
Too Many People (Air Studios) Vardis Quo Vardis
The Plot to Rock the World Vardis Quo Vardis
Boogie Blitz (Inspired by Griff & Smig) Vardis Quo Vardis
Dirty Money (Live) Vardis 100 MPH
100 M.P.H. (Live) Vardis 100 MPH
Walking Vardis Quo Vardis
Living Out of Touch (Live) Vardis 100 MPH
Gary Glitter Part One Vardis Quo Vardis
Dream With Me Vardis Quo Vardis
Please Do Vardis Quo Vardis
Where There's Mods There's Rockers Vardis Quo Vardis
Situation Negative (Live) Vardis 100 MPH
Do I Stand Accused? Vardis Quo Vardis
Head of the Nail Vardis Red Eye
Jolly Roger Vardis Red Eye
Lightning Man Vardis Red Eye
I Need You Now Vardis Red Eye
200 M.P.H. Vardis Red Eye
Hold Me Vardis Red Eye
Back to School Vardis Red Eye
The Knowledge Vardis Red Eye
Paranoia Strikes Vardis Red Eye
Red Eye Vardis Red Eye