Song List

Song Artist Album Lyrics
Cirque miniature (Full Mix) Sebastian Herzfeld Massive Arts - Works
Time Drifter (Full Mix) Sebastian Herzfeld Massive Arts - Works
Inside Time (Full Mix) Sebastian Herzfeld Massive Arts - Works
Pierrot's Dream, Pt. 2 (Full Mix) Sebastian Herzfeld Massive Arts - Works
Pierrot's Dream, Pt. 1 (Full Mix) Sebastian Herzfeld Massive Arts - Works
Misty Mountain Pattern (Full Mix) Sebastian Herzfeld Massive Arts - Works
Crystalline Air (Full Mix) Sebastian Herzfeld Massive Arts - Works
Melancholia (Full Mix) Sebastian Herzfeld Massive Arts - Works
Valse délicat (Full Mix) Sebastian Herzfeld Massive Arts - Works
Lost in Thoughts (Full Mix) Frederique Labbow Sebastian Herzfeld Massive Arts - Works
Fading Memories (Full Mix) Sebastian Herzfeld Massive Arts - Works
Castle of Thorns (Full Mix) Sebastian Herzfeld Massive Arts - Works
Intro 11 (Full Mix) Sebastian Herzfeld Massive Arts - Works
Flawless Flower (Full Mix) Sebastian Herzfeld Massive Arts - Works
Silent Dusk (Full Mix) Sebastian Herzfeld Massive Arts - Works
Mother Hulda's House (Underscore) Sebastian Herzfeld Massive Arts - Works
Mother Hulda's House (Full Mix) Frederique Labbow Sebastian Herzfeld Massive Arts - Works
La baleine triste (Full Mix) Sebastian Herzfeld Massive Arts - Works
Like Underwater (Full Mix) Sebastian Herzfeld Massive Arts - Works
Red Fairy (Full Mix) Frederique Labbow Sebastian Herzfeld Massive Arts - Works
Dans l'ombre (Full Mix) Sebastian Herzfeld Massive Arts - Works
Late Lights (Full Mix) Gerald Manske Sebastian Herzfeld Massive Arts - Works
La grande tristezza (Full Mix) Frederique Labbow Sebastian Herzfeld Massive Arts - Works
A Jester's Dream (Full Mix) Sebastian Herzfeld Massive Arts - Works
Gargoyles Laughter (Full Mix) Frederique Labbow Sebastian Herzfeld Massive Arts - Works
Time Turns Mountains into Beaches (Full Mix) Sebastian Herzfeld Massive Arts - Works
Us Evolving (Full Mix) Sebastian Herzfeld Massive Arts - Works
Tango mélancolique (Full Mix) Sebastian Herzfeld Massive Arts - Works
Gevatter Tod (Full Mix) Sebastian Herzfeld Massive Arts - Works
Nebula (Full Mix) Sebastian Herzfeld Poetic Sound Sculptures
Black Ostsee (Underscore) Sebastian Herzfeld Poetic Sound Sculptures
Black Gracious Death (Full Mix) Sebastian Herzfeld Poetic Sound Sculptures
Orest (Full Mix) Sebastian Herzfeld Poetic Sound Sculptures
Extro Ostsee (Full Mix) Sebastian Herzfeld Poetic Sound Sculptures
Slow Dance on Ice (Full Mix) Sebastian Herzfeld Poetic Sound Sculptures
Tango in Vain Part I (Full Mix) Sebastian Herzfeld Poetic Sound Sculptures
Tantalus (Alternate) Sebastian Herzfeld Poetic Sound Sculptures
Tantalus (Full Mix) Sebastian Herzfeld Poetic Sound Sculptures
Lunaris Part Ii (Full Mix) Sebastian Herzfeld Poetic Sound Sculptures
Lunaris Part I (Full Mix) Sebastian Herzfeld Poetic Sound Sculptures
Circularity (Alternate) Sebastian Herzfeld Poetic Sound Sculptures
Circularity (Full Mix) Sebastian Herzfeld Poetic Sound Sculptures
Gravity of Light (Alternate 4) Sebastian Herzfeld Bobo Frederique Labbow Poetic Sound Sculptures
Black Ostsee (Remix) Sebastian Herzfeld Poetic Sound Sculptures
Moony (Alternate) Sebastian Herzfeld Poetic Sound Sculptures
Silent Thread (Full Mix) Sebastian Herzfeld Poetic Sound Sculptures
Parallélisme (Alternate 1) Sebastian Herzfeld Poetic Sound Sculptures
Parallélisme (Alternate) Sebastian Herzfeld Poetic Sound Sculptures
Nebula (Alternate) Sebastian Herzfeld Poetic Sound Sculptures
Haulewald (Full Mix) Sebastian Herzfeld Poetic Sound Sculptures
Parcae (Full Mix) Sebastian Herzfeld Poetic Sound Sculptures
Tango in Vain Part Ii (Underscore) Sebastian Herzfeld Poetic Sound Sculptures
Nordland (Full Mix) Sebastian Herzfeld Poetic Sound Sculptures
Black Ostsee (Alternate 1) Sebastian Herzfeld Poetic Sound Sculptures
Black Ostsee (Alternate) Sebastian Herzfeld Bobo Poetic Sound Sculptures
Orest (Alternate) Sebastian Herzfeld Poetic Sound Sculptures
Shadow Dance Part Ii (Full Mix) Sebastian Herzfeld Poetic Sound Sculptures
Nordland Tango (Full Mix) Sebastian Herzfeld Poetic Sound Sculptures
Ikarus (Full Mix) Sebastian Herzfeld Frederique Labbow Poetic Sound Sculptures
Moony (Full Mix) Sebastian Herzfeld Poetic Sound Sculptures
Shadow Dance Part I (Full Mix) Sebastian Herzfeld Poetic Sound Sculptures
Parallélisme (Full Mix) Sebastian Herzfeld Poetic Sound Sculptures
Gravity of Light (Alternate 3) Sebastian Herzfeld Poetic Sound Sculptures
Gravity of Light (Alternate 2) Sebastian Herzfeld Poetic Sound Sculptures
Gravity of Light (Full Mix) Sebastian Herzfeld Poetic Sound Sculptures