The Amazing Keystone Big Band

Album Peter and the wolf and jazz! Pierre et le loup et le jazz

Song List

Song Artist Album Lyrics
Peter's March: Giocoso alla marcia The Amazing Keystone Big Band David Tennant Peter and the wolf and jazz! Lyrics
Beware of the Wolf. Agitato furioso The Amazing Keystone Big Band Peter and the wolf and jazz! Lyrics
Hunter's Blues. Allegro resoluto The Amazing Keystone Big Band Peter and the wolf and jazz! Lyrics
Soulful Cat. Maligno affamato The Amazing Keystone Big Band Peter and the wolf and jazz! Lyrics
Imagine the triumphant procession! The Amazing Keystone Big Band David Tennant Peter and the wolf and jazz! Lyrics
Just then, hunters came out of the woods The Amazing Keystone Big Band David Tennant Peter and the wolf and jazz! Lyrics
Meanwhile, Peter made a lasso with his rope… The Amazing Keystone Big Band David Tennant Peter and the wolf and jazz! Lyrics
Peter said to the bird The Amazing Keystone Big Band David Tennant Peter and the wolf and jazz! Lyrics
In the meantime, behind the closed gate The Amazing Keystone Big Band David Tennant Peter and the wolf and jazz! Lyrics
And now, this is how things stood The Amazing Keystone Big Band David Tennant Peter and the wolf and jazz! Lyrics
Suddenly, something caught Peter's eye The Amazing Keystone Big Band David Tennant Peter and the wolf and jazz! Lyrics
Just then a duck came waddling round The Amazing Keystone Big Band David Tennant Peter and the wolf and jazz! Lyrics
On the branch of a big tree The Amazing Keystone Big Band David Tennant Peter and the wolf and jazz! Lyrics
Early one morning Peter opened the gate The Amazing Keystone Big Band David Tennant Peter and the wolf and jazz! Lyrics
Grandpa's Shuffle. Moderato capriccioso The Amazing Keystone Big Band Peter and the wolf and jazz! Lyrics
Elegy for a Duck. Andante piangendo The Amazing Keystone Big Band Peter and the wolf and jazz! Lyrics
Bird's Tweets. Presto leggiero The Amazing Keystone Big Band Peter and the wolf and jazz! Lyrics
Above them flew the bird, chirping merrily The Amazing Keystone Big Band David Tennant Peter and the wolf and jazz! Lyrics
In a twinkling the cat climbed into the tree The Amazing Keystone Big Band David Tennant Peter and the wolf and jazz! Lyrics
No sooner had Peter gone The Amazing Keystone Big Band David Tennant Peter and the wolf and jazz! Lyrics
Grandfather came out The Amazing Keystone Big Band David Tennant Peter and the wolf and jazz! Lyrics
Look out! shouted Peter The Amazing Keystone Big Band David Tennant Peter and the wolf and jazz! Lyrics
Introduction to the characters The Amazing Keystone Big Band David Tennant Peter and the wolf and jazz! Lyrics
Overture The Amazing Keystone Big Band David Tennant Peter and the wolf and jazz! Lyrics
Peter s march The Amazing Keystone Big Band Pierre et le loup et le jazz
Grampa s Shuffle The Amazing Keystone Big Band Pierre et le loup et le jazz
Beware of a Wolf The Amazing Keystone Big Band Pierre et le loup et le jazz
Hunter s Blues The Amazing Keystone Big Band Pierre et le loup et le jazz
Elegy for a Duck The Amazing Keystone Big Band Pierre et le loup et le jazz
Soulful Cat The Amazing Keystone Big Band Pierre et le loup et le jazz
Bird s Tweets The Amazing Keystone Big Band Pierre et le loup et le jazz
Au dessus d eux, l oiseau voltigeait en gazouillant The Amazing Keystone Big Band Pierre et le loup et le jazz
Et maintenant, imaginez la marche The Amazing Keystone Big Band Pierre et le loup et le jazz
C est alors que les chasseurs sortirent de la foret The Amazing Keystone Big Band Pierre et le loup et le jazz
Pendant ce temps, Pierre fit a la corde un noeud coulant The Amazing Keystone Big Band Pierre et le loup et le jazz
Alors, Pierre dit a l oiseau The Amazing Keystone Big Band Pierre et le loup et le jazz
Pendant ce temps, derriere la porte du jardin The Amazing Keystone Big Band Pierre et le loup et le jazz
Et maintenant, voici ou en etaient les choses The Amazing Keystone Big Band Pierre et le loup et le jazz
En un eclair, le chat grimpa dans l arbre The Amazing Keystone Big Band Pierre et le loup et le jazz
Il etait temps! The Amazing Keystone Big Band Pierre et le loup et le jazz
Tout a coup, Grand-Pere apparut The Amazing Keystone Big Band Pierre et le loup et le jazz
Attention! cria Pierre The Amazing Keystone Big Band Pierre et le loup et le jazz
Soudain quelque chose attira l attention de Pierre The Amazing Keystone Big Band Pierre et le loup et le jazz
Un canard arriva bientot en se dandinant The Amazing Keystone Big Band Pierre et le loup et le jazz
Sur la plus haute branche d un grand arbre The Amazing Keystone Big Band Pierre et le loup et le jazz
Un beau matin Pierre ouvrit la porte du jardin The Amazing Keystone Big Band Pierre et le loup et le jazz
Presentation des personnages The Amazing Keystone Big Band Pierre et le loup et le jazz
Ouverture The Amazing Keystone Big Band Pierre et le loup et le jazz