Song List

Song Artist Album Lyrics
1.3.5 John Shiurba 5x5 1.3=D
1.3.4 John Shiurba 5x5 1.3=D
1.3.3 John Shiurba 5x5 1.3=D
1.3.2 John Shiurba 5x5 1.3=D
1.3.1 John Shiurba 5x5 1.3=D
intro John Shiurba 5x5 1.3=D
3.1.5 John Shiurba 5x5 3.1=m
3.1.4 John Shiurba 5x5 3.1=m
3.1.3 John Shiurba 5x5 3.1=m
3.1.2 John Shiurba 5x5 3.1=m
3.1.1 John Shiurba 5x5 3.1=m
3.1 intro John Shiurba 5x5 3.1=m
2.5.5 John Shiurba 5x5 2.5=A
2.5.4 John Shiurba 5x5 2.5=A
2.5.3 John Shiurba 5x5 2.5=A
2.5.2 John Shiurba 5x5 2.5=A
2.5.1 John Shiurba 5x5 2.5=A
2.5 intro John Shiurba 5x5 2.5=A
January solos redux John Shiurba 1_1 live
live (for Matthew) John Shiurba 1_1 live
2.3.5 John Shiurba 5x5 2.3=G
2.3.4 John Shiurba 5x5 2.3=G
2.3.3 John Shiurba 5x5 2.3=G
2.3.2 John Shiurba 5x5 2.3=G
2.3.1 John Shiurba 5x5 2.3=G
Down the Drain John Shiurba The $100 guitar project
unlive (for Matthew) John Shiurba 1_1 unlive
January solos 31 John Shiurba 1_1 unlive
January solos 30 John Shiurba 1_1 unlive
January solos 29 John Shiurba 1_1 unlive
January solos 28 John Shiurba 1_1 unlive
January solos 27 John Shiurba 1_1 unlive
January solos 26 John Shiurba 1_1 unlive Lyrics
January solos 25 John Shiurba 1_1 unlive
January solos 24 John Shiurba 1_1 unlive
January solos 23 John Shiurba 1_1 unlive
January solos 22 John Shiurba 1_1 unlive
January solos 21 John Shiurba 1_1 unlive
January solos 20 John Shiurba 1_1 unlive
January solos 19 John Shiurba 1_1 unlive
January solos 18 John Shiurba 1_1 unlive
January solos 17 John Shiurba 1_1 unlive
January solos 16 John Shiurba 1_1 unlive
January solos 15 John Shiurba 1_1 unlive
January solos 14 John Shiurba 1_1 unlive
January solos 13 John Shiurba 1_1 unlive
January solos 12 John Shiurba 1_1 unlive
January solos 11 John Shiurba 1_1 unlive
January solos 10 John Shiurba 1_1 unlive
January solos 9 John Shiurba 1_1 unlive
January solos 8 John Shiurba 1_1 unlive
January solos 7 John Shiurba 1_1 unlive
January solos 6 John Shiurba 1_1 unlive
January solos 5 John Shiurba 1_1 unlive
January solos 4 John Shiurba 1_1 unlive
January solos 3 John Shiurba 1_1 unlive
January solos 2 John Shiurba 1_1 unlive
January solos 1 John Shiurba 1_1 unlive