Song List

Song Artist Album Lyrics
Zaide:Ruhe Sanft, mein holdes Leben Hyunah Yu Shuntaro Sato City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra Mozart and Bach - Arias and Cantatas
Cantata No.151: Sußer Trost, mein Jesus Kömmt Hyunah Yu Shuntaro Sato City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra Mozart and Bach - Arias and Cantatas Lyrics
St Matthew Passion: No.58 Aria: "Aus Liebe will mein Heiland sterben" Hyunah Yu Shuntaro Sato City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra Mozart and Bach - Arias and Cantatas Lyrics
St Matthew Passion: No.57 Recit: "Er hat uns allen wohlgetan" Hyunah Yu Shuntaro Sato City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra Mozart and Bach - Arias and Cantatas Lyrics
Don Giovanni K527: Vedrai, carino Hyunah Yu Shuntaro Sato City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra Mozart and Bach - Arias and Cantatas Lyrics
Die Zauberflöte K620: Ach, ich fühl's (Pamina, Act II) Hyunah Yu Shuntaro Sato City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra Mozart and Bach - Arias and Cantatas Lyrics
Cantata No. 202, 'Weichet nur, betrübte Schatten' (Wedding Cantata) BWV202: Aria: Sich üben im Lieben Hyunah Yu Shuntaro Sato City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra Mozart and Bach - Arias and Cantatas Lyrics
Cantata No. 202, 'Weichet nur, betrübte Schatten' (Wedding Cantata) BWV202: Recit: Und dieses ist das Glükke Hyunah Yu Shuntaro Sato City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra Mozart and Bach - Arias and Cantatas Lyrics
Cantata No. 202, 'Weichet nur, betrübte Schatten' (Wedding Cantata) BWV202: Aria: Wenn die Frühlingslüfte streichen Hyunah Yu Shuntaro Sato City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra Mozart and Bach - Arias and Cantatas Lyrics
Cantata No. 202, 'Weichet nur, betrübte Schatten' (Wedding Cantata) BWV202: Recit: Drum sucht auch Amor sein Vergnügen Hyunah Yu Shuntaro Sato City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra Mozart and Bach - Arias and Cantatas Lyrics
Cantata No. 202, 'Weichet nur, betrübte Schatten' (Wedding Cantata) BWV202: Aria: Weichet nur, betrübte Schatten Hyunah Yu Shuntaro Sato City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra Mozart and Bach - Arias and Cantatas Lyrics
Zaide: Trostlos schluchzet Philomele Hyunah Yu Shuntaro Sato City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra Mozart and Bach - Arias and Cantatas Lyrics
Zaide: Tiger! Westze nur die klaven Hyunah Yu Shuntaro Sato City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra Mozart and Bach - Arias and Cantatas Lyrics
Zaide: Ruhe Sanft, mein holdes Leben Hyunah Yu Shuntaro Sato City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra Mozart and Bach - Arias and Cantatas Lyrics
Cantata No.32: Liebster Jesu, mein Verlangen Hyunah Yu Shuntaro Sato City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra Mozart and Bach - Arias and Cantatas Lyrics