FINAL FANTASY XI 8th Anniversary - Memories of Dusk and Dawn -

FINAL FANTASY XI 8th Anniversary - Memories of Dusk and Dawn -

Artist 水田直志
Record Labels Square Enix

Song List

Song Artist Album Lyrics
POL OPENING 水田直志 FINAL FANTASY XI 8th Anniversary - Memories of Dusk and Dawn -
Vana'diel March 水田直志 FINAL FANTASY XI 8th Anniversary - Memories of Dusk and Dawn - Lyrics
Ronfaure 水田直志 FINAL FANTASY XI 8th Anniversary - Memories of Dusk and Dawn - Lyrics
Gustaberg 水田直志 FINAL FANTASY XI 8th Anniversary - Memories of Dusk and Dawn -
Selbina 水田直志 FINAL FANTASY XI 8th Anniversary - Memories of Dusk and Dawn - Lyrics
Battle in the Dungeon #2 水田直志 FINAL FANTASY XI 8th Anniversary - Memories of Dusk and Dawn - Lyrics
Shadow Lord 水田直志 FINAL FANTASY XI 8th Anniversary - Memories of Dusk and Dawn - Lyrics
Awakening 水田直志 FINAL FANTASY XI 8th Anniversary - Memories of Dusk and Dawn -
Kazham 水田直志 FINAL FANTASY XI 8th Anniversary - Memories of Dusk and Dawn -
The Sanctuary of Zi'Tah 水田直志 FINAL FANTASY XI 8th Anniversary - Memories of Dusk and Dawn -
Fighters of the Crystal 水田直志 FINAL FANTASY XI 8th Anniversary - Memories of Dusk and Dawn -
Belief 水田直志 FINAL FANTASY XI 8th Anniversary - Memories of Dusk and Dawn -
A New Horizon - Tavnazian Archipelago 水田直志 FINAL FANTASY XI 8th Anniversary - Memories of Dusk and Dawn -
Depths of the Soul 水田直志 FINAL FANTASY XI 8th Anniversary - Memories of Dusk and Dawn - Lyrics
Onslaught 水田直志 FINAL FANTASY XI 8th Anniversary - Memories of Dusk and Dawn - Lyrics
Distant Worlds 水田直志 FINAL FANTASY XI 8th Anniversary - Memories of Dusk and Dawn -
Mercenaries' Delight 水田直志 FINAL FANTASY XI 8th Anniversary - Memories of Dusk and Dawn - Lyrics
Jeweled Boughs 水田直志 FINAL FANTASY XI 8th Anniversary - Memories of Dusk and Dawn -
Rapid Onslaught -Assault- 水田直志 FINAL FANTASY XI 8th Anniversary - Memories of Dusk and Dawn -
Whispers of the Gods 水田直志 FINAL FANTASY XI 8th Anniversary - Memories of Dusk and Dawn -
Ragnarok 水田直志 FINAL FANTASY XI 8th Anniversary - Memories of Dusk and Dawn - Lyrics
Vana'diel March #4 水田直志 FINAL FANTASY XI 8th Anniversary - Memories of Dusk and Dawn - Lyrics
Autumn Footfalls 水田直志 FINAL FANTASY XI 8th Anniversary - Memories of Dusk and Dawn -
Clash of Standards 水田直志 FINAL FANTASY XI 8th Anniversary - Memories of Dusk and Dawn - Lyrics
The Cosmic Wheel 水田直志 FINAL FANTASY XI 8th Anniversary - Memories of Dusk and Dawn -
On this Blade 水田直志 FINAL FANTASY XI 8th Anniversary - Memories of Dusk and Dawn - Lyrics
POL WINDOW 水田直志 FINAL FANTASY XI 8th Anniversary - Memories of Dusk and Dawn - Lyrics