Handel: Messiah

Handel: Messiah

Artist Martin Pearlman Boston Baroque
Record Labels Telarc

Song List

Song Artist Album Lyrics
Messiah: Thus saith the Lord - Bass Recitative Martin Pearlman Boston Baroque Handel: Messiah Lyrics
Messiah: But who may abide - Alto Air Martin Pearlman Boston Baroque Handel: Messiah Lyrics
Messiah: The people that walked in darkness - Bass Air Martin Pearlman Boston Baroque Handel: Messiah Lyrics
Messiah: Glory to God - Chorus Martin Pearlman Boston Baroque Handel: Messiah Lyrics
Messiah: Then shall the eyes of the blind - Alto Recitative Martin Pearlman Boston Baroque Handel: Messiah Lyrics
Messiah: Behold the lamb of God - Chorus Martin Pearlman Boston Baroque Handel: Messiah Lyrics
Messiah: He was despised - Alto Air Martin Pearlman Boston Baroque Handel: Messiah Lyrics
Messiah: All they that see him - Tenor Recitative Martin Pearlman Boston Baroque Handel: Messiah Lyrics
Messiah: Thy rebuke hath broken His heart - Tenor Recitative Martin Pearlman Boston Baroque Handel: Messiah Lyrics
Messiah: He was cut off out of the land of the living - Tenor Recitative Martin Pearlman Boston Baroque Handel: Messiah Lyrics
Messiah: But thou didst not leave his soul in Hell - Tenor Air Martin Pearlman Boston Baroque Handel: Messiah Lyrics
Messiah: How beautiful are the feet - Soprano Air Martin Pearlman Boston Baroque Handel: Messiah Lyrics
Messiah: If God be for us - Soprano Air Martin Pearlman Boston Baroque Handel: Messiah Lyrics
Messiah: There were shepherds - Soprano Recitative / And lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them - Soprano Recitative Martin Pearlman Boston Baroque Handel: Messiah Lyrics
Messiah: And the angel said unto them - Soprano Recitative Martin Pearlman Boston Baroque Handel: Messiah Lyrics
Messiah: And suddenly there was with the angel - Soprano Recitative Martin Pearlman Boston Baroque Handel: Messiah Lyrics
Messiah: He shall feed His flock like a shepherd - Alto & Soprano Air Martin Pearlman Boston Baroque Handel: Messiah Lyrics
Messiah: Surely he hath borne our griefs - Chorus Martin Pearlman Boston Baroque Handel: Messiah Lyrics
Messiah: And with His stripes we are healed - Chorus Martin Pearlman Boston Baroque Handel: Messiah Lyrics
Messiah: He trusted in God - Chorus Martin Pearlman Boston Baroque Handel: Messiah Lyrics
Messiah: Behold, and see if there be any sorrow - Tenor Arioso Martin Pearlman Boston Baroque Handel: Messiah Lyrics
Messiah: Unto which of the angels - Tenor Recitative Martin Pearlman Boston Baroque Handel: Messiah Lyrics
Messiah: Let all the angels of God worship Him - Chorus Martin Pearlman Boston Baroque Handel: Messiah Lyrics
Messiah: Thou art gone up on high - Alto Air Martin Pearlman Boston Baroque Handel: Messiah Lyrics