Mysteria - Gregorian Chants

Mysteria - Gregorian Chants

Artist Chanticleer
Record Labels Warner Classics International

Song List

Song Artist Album Lyrics
Plainchant : Immutemur [Antiphon - Ash Wednesday and Lent] Chanticleer Mysteria - Gregorian Chants Lyrics
Plainchant : Kyrie XVII [Ash Wednesday and Lent] Chanticleer Mysteria - Gregorian Chants
Plainchant : Laetatus sum [Gradual - Ash Wednesday and Lent] Chanticleer Mysteria - Gregorian Chants
Plainchant : Hosanna, Psalm 23 [Antiphon - Palm Sunday] Chanticleer Mysteria - Gregorian Chants Lyrics
Plainchant : Dominus Iesus [Antiphon - Maunday Thursday] Chanticleer Mysteria - Gregorian Chants
Plainchant : Tenebrae factae sunt [Responsory - Good Friday] Chanticleer Mysteria - Gregorian Chants
Plainchant : Pange lingua, Crux fidelis [Hymn with refrain - Good Friday] Chanticleer Mysteria - Gregorian Chants
Plainchant : Reproaches and Trisagion [Good Friday] Chanticleer Mysteria - Gregorian Chants
Plainchant : Christus factus est [Responsary - Holy Saturday] Chanticleer Mysteria - Gregorian Chants
Plainchant : Vexilla Regis [Hymn - Holy Saturday] Chanticleer Mysteria - Gregorian Chants
Gloria in excelsis II [Easter] Chanticleer Mysteria - Gregorian Chants
Plainchant : Alleluia V Pascha nostrum [Easter] Chanticleer Mysteria - Gregorian Chants
Plainchant : Victimae paschali laudes [Sequence - Easter] Chanticleer Mysteria - Gregorian Chants
Plainchant : Iubilate Deo [Offertory - Easter] Chanticleer Mysteria - Gregorian Chants
Plainchant : Agnus Dei XVII [Easter] Chanticleer Mysteria - Gregorian Chants
Plainchant : Alma redemptoris [Antiphon - In Honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary] Chanticleer Mysteria - Gregorian Chants
Plainchant : Ave Regina caelorum [Antiphon - In Honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary] Chanticleer Mysteria - Gregorian Chants
Plainchant : Regina caeli [Antiphon - In Honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary] Chanticleer Mysteria - Gregorian Chants
Plainchant : Salve Regina [Antiphon - In Honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary] Chanticleer Mysteria - Gregorian Chants