Commandos 3: Destination Berlin

Commandos 3: Destination Berlin

Artist Mateo Pascual
Record Labels Eidos

Song List

Song Artist Album Lyrics
Uncommon Men - Commandos III Main Theme Mateo Pascual Commandos 3: Destination Berlin Lyrics
The Edge of Chaos Mateo Pascual Commandos 3: Destination Berlin Lyrics
Into the Shadows Mateo Pascual Commandos 3: Destination Berlin Lyrics
Dead Calm Mateo Pascual Commandos 3: Destination Berlin Lyrics
Der Wintersturm Mateo Pascual Commandos 3: Destination Berlin Lyrics
Preparing for Battle Mateo Pascual Commandos 3: Destination Berlin Lyrics
The Sparrow and the Eagle Mateo Pascual Commandos 3: Destination Berlin Lyrics
Flying on the Water(reprise) Mateo Pascual Commandos 3: Destination Berlin Lyrics
The Dirty Half Dozen Mateo Pascual Commandos 3: Destination Berlin Lyrics
Darkness Be Your Ally Mateo Pascual Commandos 3: Destination Berlin Lyrics
Sweet Steel Mateo Pascual Commandos 3: Destination Berlin Lyrics
Beneath the Waves Mateo Pascual Commandos 3: Destination Berlin Lyrics
Unseen Mateo Pascual Commandos 3: Destination Berlin Lyrics
At the Docks Mateo Pascual Commandos 3: Destination Berlin Lyrics
The Fight for Stalingrad Mateo Pascual Commandos 3: Destination Berlin Lyrics
The Station Mateo Pascual Commandos 3: Destination Berlin Lyrics
Railway to Victory Mateo Pascual Commandos 3: Destination Berlin Lyrics
Preparations Mateo Pascual Commandos 3: Destination Berlin Lyrics
The Parade of War Mateo Pascual Commandos 3: Destination Berlin Lyrics
Defeated Mateo Pascual Commandos 3: Destination Berlin Lyrics
Inside Mateo Pascual Commandos 3: Destination Berlin Lyrics
The End of Innocence Mateo Pascual Commandos 3: Destination Berlin Lyrics
Besieged Mateo Pascual Commandos 3: Destination Berlin Lyrics
Debrefing Mateo Pascual Commandos 3: Destination Berlin Lyrics
Sweet Steel(reprise) Mateo Pascual Commandos 3: Destination Berlin Lyrics
Road to War(Commandos 2 Suit) Mateo Pascual Commandos 3: Destination Berlin Lyrics
Ino The Shadows Soundtrack Commandos 3: Destination Berlin