Big Handel Oratorio Box

Big Handel Oratorio Box

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Jephtha, HWV 70: Chorus: No more to Ammon's god and king Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Jephtha, HWV 70: Chorus Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Jephtha, HWV 70: Recitative: Ill suits the voice of love; Air: Take the heart you fondly gave Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Jephtha, HWV 70: Chorus: O God, behold our sore distress Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Jephtha, HWV 70: Recitative: Some dire event; Air: Scenes of horror, scenes of woe Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Jephtha, HWV 70: Recitative: Say, my dear mother; Air: The smiling dawn of happy days Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Jephtha, HWV 70: Air. Up the dreadful steep ascending Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Jephtha, HWV 70: Recitative: Tis well, haste, haste, ye maidens; Air: Tune the soft melodious lute Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Jephtha, HWV 70: Recitative: Aria: His mighty Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Jephtha, HWV 70: Symphony Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Jephtha, HWV 70: Recitative: Horror! Horror!; Aria: Open thy marble jaws Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Jephtha, HWV 70: Recitative: Why is my brother thus afflicted Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Jephtha, HWV 70: Recitative: If such thy cruel purpose; Aria: On me let blind mistaken zea Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Jephtha, HWV 70: Quartet: O spare your daughter Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Jephtha, HWV 70: Recitative: Such news flies swiftly; Recitative: For joys so vast; Aria: Happy they Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Jephtha, HWV 70: Recitative: Deeper and deeper still Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Jephtha, HWV 70: Recitative: Ye sacred priests; Aria: Farewell, ye limpid springs Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Jephtha, HWV 70: Chorus: Theme sublime of endless praise Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Jephtha, HWV 70: Recitative: With transport, Iphis; Aria: 'Tis heav'n's all-ruling power Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Jephtha, HWV 70: Recitative: My faithful Hamor; Aria: Freely I to heav'n resign; Quintet: All that is in Hamor mine Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Jephtha, HWV 70: Chorus: Ye house of Gilead Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Saul, HWV 53: Overture; Chorus: How excellent thy name, O Lord Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Saul, HWV 53: Air: An infant rais'd by Thy command Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Saul, HWV 53: Air: See, with what a scornful air Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Saul, HWV 53: Recitative: Racked with infernal pains; Air: O Lord, whose mercies numberless Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Saul, HWV 53: Recitative: 'Tis all in vain; Air: A serpent, in my bosom warm'd Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Saul, HWV 53: Recitative: Has he escap'd my rage? Accompagnato: O filial piety!; Air: No, cruel father, no! Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Saul, HWV 53: Chorus: Preserve him for the glory of Thy name Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Saul, HWV 53: Chorus: Envy, eldest born of hell Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Saul, HWV 53: Recitative: A father's will has authorized my love; Duet: O fairest of ten thousand fair Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Saul, HWV 53: Chorus: Is there a man, who all his ways Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Saul, HWV 53: Symphony Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Saul, HWV 53: Recitative: Whom dost thou seek; Air: No, no, let the guilty tremble Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Saul, HWV 53: Chorus: Oh, fatal consequence of rage Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Saul, HWV 53: Accompagnato: Why hast thou forc'd me from the realms of peace Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Saul, HWV 53: Recitative: Whence comest thou? Air: Impious wretch, of race accurst! Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Saul, HWV 53: Symphony: Dead march Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Saul, HWV 53: Chorus: Mourn, Israel, mourn Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Saul, HWV 53: Air: Brave Jonathan his bow never drew Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Saul, HWV 53: Chorus: Eagles were not so swift as they Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Saul, HWV 53: Recitative: Ye men of Judah, weep no more! Chorus: Gird on thy sword, thou man of might Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Overture: Largo; Allegro; Largo Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Recitative: Well may your sorrows Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Chorus: For Zion lamentation make Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Aria: Pious orgies Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Chorus: O Father, whose almighty power Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Aria: Arm, arm, ye brave! Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Chorus: We come in bright array Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Recitative: ‘Tis well, my friends Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Recitative: So willed my father Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Chorus: Disdainful of danger Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Recitative: Haste we, my brethren Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Chorus: Hear us, oh Lord Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Chorus: Fallen is the foe Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Israelite Woman From mighty kings Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Duet, Chorus: Hail, hail, Judea Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Recitative: Oh Judas, oh my brethren Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Aria, Chorus: Ah! Wretched Israel Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Recitative: My arms Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Aria, Chorus: Sound an alarm! Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Chorus: We hear Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Recitative: Enough! To Heaven we leave the rest Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Recitative: See yon flames Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Recitative: From Capharsalama Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: March Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Recitative: Again to Earth Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Duet: Oh lovely peace Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Aria: Rejoice oh Judah Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Chorus: Hallelujah, Amen Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Semele, HWV 58: Recitative: Behold! Auspicious flashes rise Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Semele, HWV 58: Accompagnato: Ah, me!; Air: O Jove Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Semele, HWV 58: Accompagnato: Again auspicious flashes; Recitative: Thy aid, pronubial Juno; Chorus: Cease, cease your vows Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Semele, HWV 58: Aria and Chorus: Endless Pleasure Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Semele, HWV 58: Sinfonia Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Semele, HWV 58: Recitative: You are mortal; Air: With fond desiring; Chorus: How engaging, how endearing Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Semele, HWV 58: Recitative: Ah, me!; Aria: I must with speed amuse her Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Semele, HWV 58: Duet: Prepare then, ye immortal choir Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Semele, HWV 58: Chorus: Bless the glad earth Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Semele, HWV 58: Accomagnato: Somnus, awake!; Aria: Leave me, loathsome light Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Semele, HWV 58: Recitative: My will obey Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Semele, HWV 58: Aria: Myself I shall adore Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Semele, HWV 58: Recitative, Aria: Rich odours fill the fragrant air; Aria: Come to my arms Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Semele, HWV 58: Recitative: Speak, speak your desire; Accompagnato: By that tremendous flood Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Semele, HWV 58: Accompagnato: Ah, whither is she gone Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Semele, HWV 58: Aria: Above measure is the pleasure Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Semele, HWV 58: Accompagnato: Ah, me! Too late now I repent Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Semele, HWV 58: Recitative: Of my ill-boding dream; Chorus: Oh, terror and astonishment Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Semele, HWV 58: Accompagnato: Apollo comes; Chorus: Happy, happy shall we be Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Theodora, HWV 68: Overture Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Theodora, HWV 68: Recitative: ‘Tis Dioclesian's natal day; Air: Go, my faithful soldier, go Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Theodora, HWV 68: Recitative: Vouchsafe, dread lord, a gracious ear; Air: Racks, gibbets, sword and fire Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Theodora, HWV 68: Recitative: Most cruel decree; sure thy noble soul; Air: The raptur'd soul defies the sword Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Theodora, HWV 68: Recitative: Fly, fly, my brethren, heathen rage pursues us swift; Air: As with rosy steps the morn Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Theodora, HWV 68: Accompagnato: Oh, worse than death indeed!; Air: Angels, ever bright and fair Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Theodora, HWV 68: Recitative: Unhappy, happy crew! Why stand you thus Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Theodora, HWV 68: Recitative: Oh Love, how great thy power! Chorus: Go, gen'rous, pious youth Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Theodora, HWV 68: Recitative: Ye men of Antioch, with solemn pomp; Chorus: Queen of summer, queen of love Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Theodora, HWV 68: Symphony Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Theodora, HWV 68: Recitative: O thou bright sun! How sweet thy rays; Air: With darkness deep, as is my woe Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Theodora, HWV 68: Recitative: O save me, Heaven, in this my perilous hour Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Theodora, HWV 68: Air: The pilgrim's home, the sick man's health Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Theodora, HWV 68: Duet: To thee, thou glorious son of wrath Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Theodora, HWV 68: Aria: Lord, to Thee, each night and day Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Theodora, HWV 68: Air: Cease, ye slaves, your fruitless prayer Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Theodora, HWV 68: Recitative: ‘Tis kind, my friends, but kinder still Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Theodora, HWV 68: Recitative: On me your frowns your utmost rage exert Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Theodora, HWV 68: Recitative: Ere this their doom is past, and they are gone Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Messiah, HWV 56: Sinfonia Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Messiah, HWV 56: Air: Ev'ry valley shall be exalted Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Messiah, HWV 56: Recitative: Thus saith the Lord Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Messiah, HWV 56: Recitative: Behold, a virgin shall conceive Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Messiah, HWV 56: Recitative: For behold, darkness shall cover the earth Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Messiah, HWV 56: Chorus: For unto us a child is born Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Messiah, HWV 56: PIFA (Pastoral Symphony) Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Messiah, HWV 56: Recitative: There were shepherds; And lo, the Angel of the Lord Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Messiah, HWV 56: Recitative: And suddenly there was the angel Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Duet: And he shall feed his flock Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Messiah, HWV 56: Air: He was despised Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Messiah, HWV 56: Chorus: Surely he hath borne our griefs Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Messiah, HWV 56: Chorus: All we like sheep Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Messiah, HWV 56: Recitative: Thy rebuke hath broken His heart Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Messiah, HWV 56: Recitative: He was cut off out of the land Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Messiah, HWV 56: Air: Thou art gone up on high Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Messiah, HWV 56: Air: How beautiful are the feet Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Messiah, HWV 56: Chorus: Their sound is gone out Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Messiah, HWV 56: Air: Thou shalt break them Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Messiah, HWV 56: Chorus: Hallelujah Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Messiah, HWV 56: Chorus: Since by man came death Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Messiah, HWV 56: Recitative: Behold, I tell you a mystery Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Messiah, HWV 56: Air: The trumpet shall sound Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Messiah, HWV 56: Duet: O death, where is thy sting? Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Messiah, HWV 56: Air: If God be for us Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Messiah, HWV 56: Chorus: Worthy is the Lamb...Amen Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Jephtha, HWV 70: Ouverture. Menuet Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Jephtha, HWV 70: Accompagnato: It must be so; Air: Pour forth no more Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Jephtha, HWV 70: Recitative: But Jephtha comes; Air: Virtue my soul shall still embrace Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Jephtha, HWV 70: Recitative: Twill be a painful separation; Air: In gentle murmurs will I mourn Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Jephtha, HWV 70: Recitative: Happy this embassy; Air: Dull delay, in piercing anguish Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Jephtha, HWV 70: Recitative: I go, my soul; Duet: These labours past, how happy we Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Jephtha, HWV 70: Recitative: What mean these doubtful fancies; Accompagnato: If, Lord, sustained Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Jephtha, HWV 70: Recitative: Such, Jephtha, was the haughty king's reply; Chorus: When his loud voice in thunder spoke Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Jephtha, HWV 70: Recitative: Glad tidings of great Joy; Chorus: Cherub and Seraphim Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Jephtha, HWV 70: Recitative: Heav'n smiles once more Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Jephtha, HWV 70: Chorus: In glory high Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Jephtha, HWV 70: Recitative: Hail, glorious conqueror!; Aria: Welcome as the cheerful light; Semi-Chrorus: Welcome thou Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Jephtha, HWV 70: Recitative: First perish thou Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Jephtha, HWV 70: Chorus: How dark, O Lord, are Thy decrees Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Jephtha, HWV 70: Recitative: Hide thou thy hated beams Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Jephtha, HWV 70: Recitative: A father, off'ring up his only child; Aria: Waft her, angels Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Jephtha, HWV 70: Chorus: Doubtful fear Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Jephtha, HWV 70: Recitative: Rise Jephtha; Aria: Happy, Iphis, shalt thou live Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Jephtha, HWV 70: Aria: For ever blessed be thy holy name Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Jephtha, HWV 70: Recitative: Let me congratulate; Aria: Laud her, all ye virgin train Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Jephtha, HWV 70: Recitative: O let me fold thee; Aria: Sweet as sight to the blind Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Saul, HWV 53: Trio: Along the monster atheist strode; Chorus: The youth inspir'd by Thee, O Lord Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Saul, HWV 53: Chorus: How excellent Thy name, O Lord Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Saul, HWV 53: Recitative: Behold, O King; Air: O King, your favours with delight Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Saul, HWV 53: Recitative: Oh,early piety!; Recitative: Thou, Merab, first in birth; Air: My soul rejects the thought with scorn Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Saul, HWV 53: Recitative: Already see the daughters of the land; Chorus: Welcome, welcome, mighty king! Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Saul, HWV 53: Accompagnato: What do I hear? Am I then sunk so low; Chorus: David his ten thousands slew Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Saul, HWV 53: Accompagnato: To him ten thousands, and to me but thousands!; Air: With rage I shall burst his praises to hear! Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Saul, HWV 53: Recitative: Imprudent women! Air: Fell rage and black despair possess'd Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Saul, HWV 53: Recitative: Hast thou obey'd my orders; Air: Sin not, O King Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Saul, HWV 53: Air: As great Jehovah lives, I swear; Air: From cities stormed, and battles won Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Saul, HWV 53: Recitative: Appear, my friend Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Saul, HWV 53: Recitative: Thy father is as cruel; Duet: At persecution I can laugh Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Saul, HWV 53: Accompagnato: The time at length is come; Recitative: Where is the son of Jesse? Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Saul, HWV 53: Accompagnato: Wretch that I am; Accompagnato: 'Tis said, here lives a woman Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Saul, HWV 53: Recitative: With me what would'st thou? Air: Infernal spirits Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Chorus: Mourn, ye afflicted children Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Recitative: Not in vain is all this storm Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Accompagnato: I feel the Deity within Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Aria: Call forth the powers Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Duet: Come, ever-smiling liberty Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Chorus: Lead on, lead on Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Recitative: Ambition Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Aria: No unhallowed desire Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Duet, Chorus: Zion now her head shall raise Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Aria: Oh let eternal honors Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Recitative: Thanks to my brethren Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Aria: How vain is man Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Recitative: Be comforted Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Aria: The Lord worketh wonders Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Aria: With pious hearts Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Recitative: Ye worshippers Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Aria: Wise men, flattering Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Duet: Oh! never, never bow Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Chorus: We never will bow down Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Aria: Man Father of Heaven Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Recitative: Oh grant it Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Aria: So shall the lute Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Chorus: See the Conquering hero Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Duet, Chorus: Sing unto god Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Aria: With honor let dessert Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Recitative: Peace to my countrymen Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Chorus: To our great God Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Semele, HWV 58: Overture Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Semele, HWV 58: Chorus: Lucky omens bless our rites Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Semele, HWV 58: Recitative, Arioso and Duet: Daughter, obey Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Semele, HWV 58: Recitative: Alas! She yields; Quartet: Why dost thou thus untimely grieve Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Semele, HWV 58: Recitative: Ah, wretched prince; Accompagnato: Wing’d with our fears and pious haste Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Semele, HWV 58: Chorus: Hail Cadmus, hail Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Semele, HWV 58: Accompangnato: Awake, Saturnia!; Recitative; Accompagnato: With adamant the gates are barr’d; Air: Hence, Iris, Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Semele, HWV 58: Aria: Oh sleep, why dost thou leave me Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Semele, HWV 58: Recitative: Let me not another moment; Aria: Lay your doubts and fears aside Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Semele, HWV 58: Chorus: Now Love Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Semele, HWV 58: Recitative: By my command; Aria: Where’er you walk Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Semele, HWV 58: Recitative: Dear sister, how was your journey hither? Aria: But hark, the heav’nly spehere turns around Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Semele, HWV 58: Recitative: Dull God, canst thou attend; Aria: More sweet is that name Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Semele, HWV 58: Recitative: Be wise, as you are beautiful; Accompagnato: Conjure him by his oath; Aria: Thus let my thanks be paid Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Semele, HWV 58: Recitative: Oh Semele!; Aria: I am ever granting Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Semele, HWV 58: Aria: No, no, I'll take no less Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Theodora, HWV 68: Chorus: For ever thus stands fixed the doom Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Theodora, HWV 68: Recitative: I know thy virtures, and ask not thy faith; Air: Descend, kind pity, heav'nly guest Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Theodora, HWV 68: Recitative: Through hard, my friends; Air: Fond, flatt'ring world, adieu Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Theodora, HWV 68: Recitative: Oh bright example of all goodness Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Theodora, HWV 68: Chorus: Come, mighty Father, mighty Lord Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Theodora, HWV 68: Chorus: All pow'r in Heaven above, or earth beneath Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Theodora, HWV 68: Recitative: Oh retched retches Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Theodora, HWV 68: Air: Kind Heaven, if virtue be Thy care Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Theodora, HWV 68: Air: Wide spread his name Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Theodora, HWV 68: Recitative: Return, Septimius, to the stubborn maid; Chorus: Venus laughing from the skies Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Theodora, HWV 68: Recitative: But why art thou disquieted; Air: Oh, that I on wings could rise Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Theodora, HWV 68: Recitative: Long have I known thy friendly social soul; Air: Though the honours that Flora and Venus receive Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Theodora, HWV 68: Recitative: O save her, then, or give me power to save Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Theodora, HWV 68: Recitative: The clouds begin to veil the hemisphere; Air: Defend her, Heav'n! Let angels spread Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Theodora, HWV 68: Recitative: Or lulled with grief or rapt her soul to heaven; Air: Sweet rose and lily, flow'ry form Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Theodora, HWV 68: Accompagnato: Forbid it, Heaven! Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Theodora, HWV 68: Recitative: 'Tis night; but night's sweet blessing is denied Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Theodora, HWV 68: Chorus: He saw the lovely youth, death's early prey Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Theodora, HWV 68: Recitative: But see, the good, the virtuous Didimus Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Theodora, HWV 68: Chorus: Blest be the hand, and blest the power Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Theodora, HWV 68: Recitative: Undanted in the court stands Didimus Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Theodora, HWV 68: Duet: Whither, Princess, do you fly? Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Theodora, HWV 68: Recitative: She's gone, disdaining liberty and life Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Theodora, HWV 68: Recitative: It is a Christian virtue then Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Theodora, HWV 68: Chorus: How strange their ends Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Theodora, HWV 68: Air and Duet: Streams of pleasure ever flowing Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Theodora, HWV 68: Chorus: Oh love divine, thou source of fame Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Messiah, HWV 56: Recitative: Comfort ye my people Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Messiah, HWV 56: Chorus: And the glory, the glory of the Lord Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Messiah, HWV 56: Air: But who may abide Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Messiah, HWV 56: Chorus: And He shall purify Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Messiah, HWV 56: Air & Chorus: O thou that tellest Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Messiah, HWV 56: Air-Bass: The people that walked in darkness Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Messiah, HWV 56: Recitative: And the angel said unto them Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Messiah, HWV 56: Chorus: Glory to God in the highest Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Messiah, HWV 56: Air: Rejoice greatly, o daughter of Zion Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Messiah, HWV 56: Recitative: Then shall the eyes of the blind Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Messiah, HWV 56: Chorus: His yoke is easy Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Messiah, HWV 56: Chorus: Behold the Lamb of God Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Messiah, HWV 56: Chorus: And with His stripes we are healed Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Messiah, HWV 56: Recitative-Tenor: All they that see Him Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Messiah, HWV 56: Chorus: He trusted in God Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Messiah, HWV 56: Air: Behold, and see if there be any sorrow Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Messiah, HWV 56: Air: But thou didst not leave Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Messiah, HWV 56: Chorus: Lift up your heads Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Messiah, HWV 56: Recitative: Unto which of the angels Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Messiah, HWV 56: Chorus: Let all the angels of God worship Him Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Messiah, HWV 56: Chorus: The Lord gave the word Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Messiah, HWV 56: Air: Why do the nations? Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Messiah, HWV 56: Chorus: Let us break their bonds asunder Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Messiah, HWV 56: Recitative: He that dwelleth in heaven Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Messiah, HWV 56: Air: I know that my Redeemer liveth Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Messiah, HWV 56: Recitative: Then shall be brought to pass Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box
Messiah, HWV 56: Chorus: But thanks be to God Various Artists Big Handel Oratorio Box