Beautiful fragile summer Blossoms in a frost open to the world Brief and lovely a momentary spark Leaves in fall fire on the sky blaze Our memory with a visual tattoo To keep at bay the dreary o F bleak and cold and blue But we can keep warm all year long I know how to every each day Through i want to do with you What spring does with the cherry trees I want to do with you what spring does I want to do with you what spring does With the cherry trees I want to do with you what spring does Sometimes our love is like a mountain solid and steep Grounded in heat and sometimes We rage like a river cold And fast then quiet and deep We ride the storm 'cause when it's through We have changed and love is new I want to do with you what Spring does with the cherry trees I want to do with you what spring does I want to do with you what spring does With the cherry trees I want to do with you what spring does