[00:02.110]M: Hello [00:02.860]AL: Hi [00:03.150]M: How are ya? [00:04.000]A: Good. How are you? [00:04.780]M: I am feeling well. I’ve got a present for you, first of all. [00:06.870]A: Yes! [00:07.950]M: I don’t know how often you get back to Canada, so here is a gift for you from home [00:11.200]A: Ah, ah, that’s awesome. [00:17.210]M: You like it? [00:17.550]A: Thank you so much! That’s just great! [00:18.550]M: You’re welcome. Excellent. I’m glad you like it. [00:22.120]A: I love this kind of stuff. [00:24.120]M: It’s all about comfort, right? (As comfortable as possible) [00:25.110]A: Oh, absolutely! Thank you! [00:29.890]M: You’re welcome. You’re welcome. [00:33.120]I remember the last time I talked to you years ago in New York at the second album. It’s been a long time. [00:38.120]Tell me about the process that took you from there to here. [00:42.110]A: Well, I took a year off after my tour. Got married. [00:47.890]Hung out here in L.A. [00:49.550]And um…the past six months I’ve been working on the record, [00:55.880]and It’s, really really fun [00:58.130]M: I know, we were listening to, like, to see how excited you were, and your face were. [01:01.780]Tell me about this album. [01:03.860]A: Well, it’s just like all really, and it’s really up-tempo, and it’s energetic, it’s young, [01:12.560]And it’s like ****y, and playful, and *****y, and bratty, [01:15.890]But it’s all liking good fun and it’s gonna be like, [01:21.780]it gonna make the best live show [01:25.150]M: Were you thinking that [01:26.110]A: Yes. Absolutely. ‘cause like on my last tour, my songs, [01:30.550]I started to realize it that my songs were kinda like slower, [01:36.110]and the fun ones were like Ski8 Boi, He Wasn’t, [01:42.860]And I find myself like playing these songs in piano [01:46.550]Like, for God, I love this song [01:48.110]But like, every night there are like, so dark [01:50.120]I was like, oh, man, I know what I’m doing for my next record [01:53.760]I just gonna make it like, really fun [01:56.100]So, I did. [01:58.110]M: In the first album where (on top in,) having all these commercial successes, your monster successes. [02:04.110]How do you define success? [02:06.860]In this one you have to sell a ton of records or is it just as simple as, you’re just loving the record for being successful [02:15.110]A: it’s been a little bit both, [02:16.110]No1.being that I love it, 100%, you know, [02:29.120]And, something I am really proud of. [02:30.580]I’m really excited to play for people. [02:32.860]And then No.2, I mean, success is like, you know, [02:36.005]doing well and going everywhere with your friends and stuff like that. [02:40.110]As far as records sells go, records don’t really sell that much these days, so…um… [02:46.550]Thank God I do, you know, I have a lot of people come out to my concerts, cause’ [02:53.220]No matter what, always be on the play show, and do that whole tour thing [02:59.110]M: Let’s rewind a bit and talk about what’s happened over the past years. [03:02.550]Congratulations on getting married. [03:04.150]A: Thanks! [03:04.860]M: How is it? [03:05.550]What kind of wife are you? [03:07.440]A: Um…I mean, in an awesome way [03:11.150]I am a really good cook. And…I am fun [03:17.150]M: what’s your favorite things to cook? [03:20.250]A: Like cooking vegetarian dishes. [03:22.320]I can cook really good Italian. [03:25.860]Everything, actually. [03:28.460]M: what is the one thing you’ve learned about Deryck, since been married to him that you didn’t know before. [03:34.220]A: Um…Is that kinda personal? [03:40.120]M: I don’t know, maybe, tell me, tell me [03:45.160]A: I don’t really talk about the personal stuff. [03:46.860]M: Fair enough. Fair enough. [03:49.860]But, let’s talk about mixing the personal with the professional. [03:54.220]Was there…cause’ you worked with Deryck on this album. [03:57.660]Were you nervous about sort of working together? [04:00.110]A: No, I had two songs that I wrote with Evan, [04:04.110]one of my old guitar players. He’s my best friend. [04:06.220]And I just like, who should produce these. [04:10.220]we should ask Deryck to do it, [04:11.110]cause’ Deryck is producing sum 41 record right now [04:15.110]And he’s really, talented, so…um…I gave two tacks to him. [04:19.220]They are more like rocking tracks [04:21.130]Like he’s like, giving that kind of stuff. [04:24.000]And, it was just nice to have him on the record. [04:27.220]We didn’t like, write together or anything, but it’s good to have him involved somewhere. [04:33.120]M: You’ve been in the spot like, for a few years now. [04:37.500]Are you comfortable being in that spot? Are you comfortable with people…um…well, the paparazzi in the city, this whole (being) different. [04:47.220]Are you comfortable with that being part of your life now? [05:01.110]A: I deal with it. And I deal with it, you know, [05:04.120]Well, like, I don’t, I stay away from where I know they are going to be, [05:09.110]I don’t get a lunch on the eye view, or stuff like that, so (n?) [05:16.550]I would be so nervous when I went there [05:17.440]M: Exactly, you only go there if you wanna get [05:19.220]A: Yeah, it’s kind of like a bit of a game [05:27.110]It’s like…Some people love the paparazzi, [05:29.110]And like (s? with them), like play with them and um… [05:34.860]They go to where they are. But like, with me… [05:37.500]Darke and I…We don’t really like that so much. We are low-key. [05:42.200]We like just kinda do our thing and stay away from that. [05:46.200]In some circumstances, you can’t really control it. [05:46.500]Like they just sneak up on you or they find you somehow. [05:53.100]Not too bad in our case. It could be a lot worse. [05:59.100]Paparazzi are like (s?) the earth