everyones has something to hide if they dont theres something wrong, personal space and privacy are rights that we hold strong so devestating was the day and many felt the shock, of innocent mens reputations wrecked upon the rocks, when a fishy foreign website went and listed a lofty list, of everybodys names and everywhere on the net they'd been. published far and wide, to the publics alarm and fright, everybodys private lives, for everybodys prying eyes late nights on sites, of minds that yearn to learn, complete histories of mischeifs and the time of each searched word. everyones has something to hide if they dont theres something wrong, personal space and privacy are rights that we hold strong my life was ruined and so were many others, when that fishy foreign website posted my private life uncovered, some people looked like fools, others ostracised, some people lost their money, others lost their wives, but for the others compared to me their suffering was nothing, weve all been made to pay by them dredging up the mud. everything was peaceful and people were forgetting, til this act of evil outed me and exposed my deeds to them everyones got something to hide if they dont theres something wrong, personal space and privacy are rights that we hold strong time to go now, time to part with a prayer, there is a space where my heart has been somewhere out there,they say i am a monster, they say i should be dead, my friends an dfamily will never speak to me again everyones got something to hide if they dont theres something wrong, personal space and privacy are rights that we hold strong i feel bad for the man, who had been serving time, for what theyve billed as recent histories most heinous crime, but privacy is privacy wether anyones or mine, even if i did commit recent histories most heinous crime.