Three Little Fishies (海底总动员》电影插曲)-Blue Sea Band /Fred Mollin /The Davis Family Down in the meadow in a little bitty pool Swam three little fishies and a mama fishie too Swim said the mama fishie swim if you can And they swam and they swam all over the dam Boop boop dit tem dat tem what tem chu Swam three little fishies and a mama fishie too Swim said the mama fishie swim if you can And they swam and they swam all over the dam Boop boop dit tem dat tem what tem chu Boop boop dit tem dat tem what tem chu Boop boop dit tem dat tem what tem chu And they swam and they swam all over the dam Stop said the mama fishie or you will get lost The three little fishies didn't wanna be bossed The three little fishies went off on a spree And they swam and they swam right out to the sea Stop said the mama fishie or you will get lost The three little fishies didn't wanna be bossed The three little fishies went off on a spree And they swam and they swam right out to the sea Boop boop dit tem dat tem what tem chu Boop boop dit tem dat tem what tem chu Boop boop dit tem dat tem what tem chu And they swam and they swam right out to the sea Whee yelled the little fishies here's a lot of fun We'll swim in the sea till the day is done They swam and they swam and it was a lark Till all of a sudden they saw a shark Whee yelled the little fishies here's a lot of fun We'll swim in the sea till the day is done They swam and they swam and it was a lark Till all of a sudden they saw a shark Boop boop dit tem dat tem Boop boop dit tem dat tem Boop boop dit tem dat tem Till all of a sudden they saw a shark Help cried the little fishies gee look at all the whales And quick as they could they turned on their tails And back to the pool in the meadow they swam And they swam and they swam back over the dam Help cried the little fishies gee look at all the whales And quick as they could they turned on their tails And back to the pool in the meadow they swam And they swam and they swam back over the dam Boop boop dit tem dat Boop boop dit tem dat Boop boop dit tem dat And they swam and they swam back over the dam A little shark almost here He was see the mama