Live free, wild one Young girl, wild one Live free, wild one Young girl, you're just a wild one If you're here now listen to the sound that's Making feelings, create all emotions Oh we're crazy, stupid, insane But we live for the moment We take chances, all these incidents We've never known Live free, wild one Young girl, wild one Live free, wild one Young girl, you're just a wild one You're just a wild one If you thinking you can't find your way tonight Well there's always remedies that we can try Oh we're crazy, stupid, insane But we live for the moment We take chances, all these incidents We've never known Live free, wild one Young girl, wild one Live free, wild one Young girl, you're just a wild one You're just a wild one Live free, wild one Young girl, wild one Live free, wild one Young girl, you're just a wild one You're just a wild one