When the years have all come and gone 千百劫后 They'll find beneath the ground 九泉之下 Our two bodies joined as one 人们会发现两具交缠的骨骸 Showing how we were bound 那便是相爱的我俩 How much Quasimodo once loved 卡西莫多曾深爱过她 Esmeralda the gypsy girl 吉普赛女郎艾丝美拉达 How he was marked by god above 上帝赐予这副躯壳 Just to help him to bear his cross 只为让他终生背负十字架 Just to help him to bear his cross 背负人间的罪与罚 Eat my body and drink my blood 鹫山上的秃鹰啊 Vultures of Montfaucon 食我的肉饮我的血吧 So that death more than this life could 生虽有际,而死却无涯 Join our two names as one 化我二人之名,为一曲佳话 Let my poor soul just fly away 我卑微的灵魂终可远离这苦痛的人世 From the miseries of this earth 飞向天涯 Let my love find the light of day 让我的爱找到那一缕晨曦 In the light of the universe 沐浴在天地间温暖的阳光下 In the light of the universe 沐浴在温暖的阳光下 Dance my Esmeralda 舞吧,吾爱艾丝美拉达 Sing my Esmeralda 唱吧,吾爱艾丝美拉达 Dance just one more time for me 你当知我会为你赴汤蹈火 You know I'll die for love of you 再为我舞最后的一曲好吗? Dance my Esmeralda 舞吧,吾爱艾丝美拉达 Sing my Esmeralda 唱吧,吾爱艾丝美拉达 Please let my poor soul fly free 请让我卑微的灵魂自由的飞吧 It is not death to die for you 为你慨然赴死,心无牵挂 Dance my Esmeralda 舞吧,吾爱艾丝美拉达 Sing my Esmeralda 唱吧,吾爱艾丝美拉达 Please come sleep here in my arms 请在我臂弯中安然睡去吧 You know I'd die for love of you 你当知我为爱而死,心无惧怕 Dance my Esmeralda 舞吧,吾爱艾丝美拉达 Sing my Esmeralda 唱吧,吾爱艾丝美拉达 Beyond, and beyond beyond 兆载亿劫,此曲永无终罢 It is not death to die for you 为你慨然赴死,心无牵挂 Dance my Esmeralda 舞吧,吾爱艾丝美拉达 Sing my Esmeralda 唱吧,吾爱艾丝美拉达 Please let my poor soul fly free 请让我卑微的灵魂自由的飞吧 It is not death to die for you 为你慨然赴死,心无牵挂