<< Spaceman >> 宇航员 Quick stop gotta purchase more supplies 短暂停靠需要更多补给 I'm looking to myself to vitalize 我希望自己变得更有生气 Drinking only fossil fuel 只加矿石燃料 Saturn daily paper gave it rave reviews 土星日报说它超级给力 Countdown well i guess i gots to go 倒计时,哦我想我要走了 Countdown to the engines final blow 倒计时,直到引擎开始吼叫 Light speed i am catch me if you can 我(的船)是超光速,有本事你来追 I'm your spaceman 我是你的宇航员 Essential vitamins are just a tease 维他命精华纯属扯淡 Nutritional superiority 什么营养上的优势 I got me something more 搞了些更好的东东给自己 120 over 60 is a total bore 60和120根本没得比 Stop standing in the way of what you need 不要成为自己的障碍 Sometimes you gotta cut yourself to feel 你往往要逼自己去体会 What's real earth can be so bland 什么才是真实的,地球上就是这么无聊 Blast out while you can 是时候就爆发出来 Spaceman 宇航员 Wasted wasted spaceman 被遗弃的宇航员 Lost in orbit 迷失在轨道上 Resolve our differences peacefully 和平地解决我们之间的差异 The billion people of india would agree 就连那1亿印度人民都赞成 They're really packin' stan 他们其实是巴基斯坦人 Better take the challenge this is sacred land 迎接挑战吧,这是片神圣的土地 A toast for the winner of the game 为胜者干杯 Iodine 131 champagne 碘131香槟 AM FM tune in if you can 可以的话再收个AM FM听听 I'm your spaceman 我是你的宇航员 Downslope can't cope the loss of hope 下坡让人越来越沮丧 Went out and bought a giant telescope 出去买了个超大号望远镜 I see the craters on the moon 我看到了月球上的陨石坑 Why can't i see heaven 为啥我没看到天堂 Can't i see the truth hey 就不能看点真实的 嘿 One day the pendulum will swing 有一天钟摆会摆起来 This planet loses faith in everything 这星球让人失去一切信仰 Boom boom out go the lights i'll be off in flight 嘣嘣灯都关了,我要睡上一觉 Goodnight 晚安 Wasted wasted spaceman 被遗弃的宇航员 Lost in orbit 在轨道中迷失 In my spaceship that i adore 在我的飞船里我坚信 I will endure bad conditions 我能忍受各种不良状态 And once i get through it 一旦我熬出了头 I'm not coming back no way 我就再也不回来,绝不 Wasted wasted spaceman 被遗弃的宇航员 Lost in orbit 在轨道中迷失