Don't go away If you can't forgive Believe, just to live You must forget Forget the times You misunderstand Let them slip through your hand With the sand of time Forget those hours When 'perhaps' has died At the hands of 'why' And our lack of faith Don't go away Don't go away Don't leave Me, I'll offer you pearls Made out of the rain That falls in a world Where rain never falls I'll ransack the earth By day and by night To cover your body With gold and with light I'll make a domain Where love will be king Love will be everything You'll be the queen Don't go away Dont' go away Don't leave Don't go away I'll invent for you Words just meant for you And you'll know what's meant And I'll tell you the truth About how other lovers Looked into each other And how they were moved Then I'll read to you The story of kings Who lived without meeting you Died without knowing you Don't go away Dont' go away Don't leave And just when you think The volcano's expired The craters turn pink And the ash turns to fire In a charred barren land You can still be surprised Wheat suddenly stands Like a dream of Julys When the sun sets In a brilliant sky The black and the red Never touch as they die Don't go away Dont' go away Don't leave Don't go away I won't cry anymore I won't talk anymore I'll crawl under the bed And I'll watch you from there As you smile and you dance And I'll listen to hear How you talk, when you laugh it's enough In the shadow of you shadow In the shadow of your hand The shadow of your man Don't go away Dont' go away Don't leave