[00:01.31]This isn’t happening [00:04.71]Inútil! Useless [00:11.40]Just like my father was before me: [00:15.80]Inútil! Useless [00:21.91]And every day [00:23.95]He cut the cane [00:25.39]He came home late and prayed for rain [00:29.11]Prayed for rain [00:32.67]And on the days [00:33.93]When nothing came [00:35.50]My father’s face was lined with shame [00:38.77]He’d sit me down beside him and he’d say, [00:43.71]“My father was a farmer, [00:46.15]His father was a farmer, [00:48.73]And you will be a farmer.” [00:51.30]But I told him, “Papi, I’m sorry, I’m going farther. [00:56.54]I’m getting on a plane. [00:59.50]And I am gonna change the world someday!” [01:02.39]And he slapped my face [01:05.30]He stood there, staring at me, useless [01:13.65]Today my daughter’s home and I am… useless [01:24.59]And as a baby she amazed me with [01:27.98]The things she learned each day [01:34.64]She used to stay on the fire escape [01:38.10]While all the other kids would play [01:42.54]And I would stand beside her and I’d say: [01:46.47]“I’m proud to be your father [01:48.75]‘Cuz you work so much harder [01:51.39]And you are so much smarter [01:53.93]Than I was at your age.” [01:56.71]And I always knew that she would fly away [02:01.73]That she was gonna change the world someday [02:09.55]I will not be the reason [02:14.81]That my family can’t succeed [02:19.32]I will do what it takes [02:24.60]They’ll have everything they need [02:29.16]Or all my work, all my life [02:33.95]Everything I’ve sacrificed will have been useless