Descending The river I'm bound to be found in, 我一定会在大河的潮流中被发现 A rope chosen bound for the hang 一根悬挂着、紧绷的绳索 When I'm blinded I think I see everything 我看不见,却还以为我看清了一切 Convincing myself again 一再的让自己相信,事实就是如此 This God that I worship (A faded reflection) 我敬仰的上帝(内省的沉沦) This demon I blame (A flickering flame) 我天煞的恶魔(摇曳的靈火) Conspire as one, exactly the same 在混沌中竟合二为一,就是这样 It's exactly the same 他们何时变得如此相像 Descending 走下所谓的王座 To never recover the pieces 那些永不复原的碎片 To all that we've lost 那些我们逝去的一切 Recover the pieces lost 来挽回失去的东西 The pieces to all we've lost 那些我们曾经拥有,却在不经意间丢失的东西 I shudder to think of the consequence 我在现实中惊恐地看到最后的结果 It's blasphemy simple and true 他娘的,这是如此地清晰而又真切 The tragic protagonist torments 主人公悲惨的命运 Convincing myself again 一再的让自己相信,世事本就如此 This God that I worship (A faded reflection) 我敬仰的上帝(内省的沉沦) This demon I blame (A flickering flame) 我天煞的恶魔(摇曳的靈火) Conspire as one, exactly the same 在混沌中竟合二为一,就是这样 It's exactly the same 他们何时变得如此相像 Descending 走下所谓的天梯,它真的可以让你平步青云吗 To never recover the pieces 那些永不复原的碎片 To all that we've lost 那些我们逝去的一切 Recover the pieces lost 来挽回失去的东西 The pieces to all we've lost 那些我们曾经拥有,却在不经意间丢失的东西