Achilles Last Stand (阿喀琉斯最后的站立) It was an April morning 四月的早晨他们告诉我 When they told us we should go 你必须走 as I turn to you, you smiled at me 我看着你 你对我微笑 How could they say no 叫我怎样说不 Whoa, the fun to have 哦 为了快乐 To live the dreams we always had 我们总是活在梦里 Whoa, the songs to sing 哦 让我唱完这最后的歌 When we at last return again 从此我将不再回头 Swept New York a glancing kiss 向纽约抛个飞吻 To those who claim they know To know the shrieks the seaman hears 向总在尖叫的人们 The devil is in his home 魔鬼待在家里 Oh, to sail away 哦 马上就要启程 To sandy lands and other days 去那荒漠之地 迎接不同的生活 Oh, to touch the dream 哦 去抚摸我们的梦 That hides inside and is never seen, yeah 即使它隐藏得再深 Into the sun, the south the north 从南方到北方 投入太阳的怀抱 Flys the birds of gold 像金色的鸟儿般飞翔 The shackles of commitments fell 枷锁早已挣脱 In pieces on the ground 在广袤的大地上 Oh, to ride the wind To tread the air above the din 踏着喧嚣的云 骑着风游走 Whoa, to laugh aloud 哦 放肆地笑出声来 Dancing as we fought the crowd, yeah 对抗着人群 跳着奇怪的舞 To seek the man whose pointing hand 寻觅智者的手指明方向 The giant step unfolds 迈开怪物式的脚步 With guidance from the curving path 带着从束缚之路而来的观众 That churns up into stone 在石头里搅出水来 If one bell should ring 钟声能否再次敲响 In celebration for a king 在国王的庆典上 So fast the heart should beat 心脏为何跳得如此急促 As proud the head with heavy feet, yeah 昂着高傲的头颅 拖着沉重的脚步 Days went by when you and I 日子从我们身边悄悄地逝去 Made an eternal summers glow 在我们想要永恒炽热的时候 As far away and distant 即使身处遥远的地方 Our mutual time to grow 依然共度我们的时光 Oh the sweet refrain 哦 那甜蜜的副歌啊 Soothes the soul and calms the pain 抚慰我的灵魂 减轻我的痛苦 Oh Albion remains Sleeping now to rise again 哦 沉睡的白化病者 终将在阳光下醒来 Wandering upon the rings 在怪圈外久久徘徊 What place to rest the search 渴求一个灵魂安息的地方 With the mighty arms of Atlas 巨神阿特拉斯手擎着天 脚踏着地 Hold the heavens from the earth 将人间与天堂分离 The mighty arms of Atlas 巨神阿特拉斯手擎着天 脚踏着地 Hold the heavens from the earth 将人间与天堂分离 From the earth 将人间与天堂分离 Whoaa 哦 I know the way, know the way, know the way, know the way 我已知道了秘诀 我已知道了秘诀 .. Whoaa 哦.. Ahhhh, ahhhhh.. 啊 啊 啊 啊...... Oh the mighty arms of Atlas 巨神阿特拉斯手擎着天 脚踏着地 Hold the heavens from the earth 将人间与天堂分离 Ahhhh, ahhhhh啊 啊 啊 啊.... Ooooo 哦 ......