Zahid: 雨后的晚霞把城市染成了我喜欢的颜色 灿烂的笑容 背后暗藏着苦涩 我总是和时间抢拍 站的越近视野就变得越狭隘 为了钱 我摆过地摊 在地下通道发过传单 也许你有比我更惨 却不为人知的经历 没有多少精力 把生活布置的精细 前前后后的一幕幕 影响着你前进中的一步步 忽视现实的真相表面突兀着悲伤和痛苦 这条路是通途还是迷雾 每个人都是个体 但是带着上亿万细胞一起旅行 随着年龄 也有很多职责等着你去履行 嗯 等着你去履行. Tumaris: Hey ,you suffer in this world that's all you deserve you cant fight devil's charm when he hold you in his arm you just cant seem to learn you know it's gonna burn crying in the fire let me breath; Hey ,you suffer in this world that's all you deserve you cant fight devil's charm when he hold you in his arm you just cant seem to learn you know it's gonna burn crying in the fire let me breath. F.G.M.K: 没能留住来时的热情 还记得梦的轮廓还有你的身影 学会步伐放慢学会享受 每一次的呼吸和晴朗的午后 生活的列车有你有我 怕是时间匆匆让我们擦肩而过 还有摸索 谁掌握 谁想错 向右还是向左 继续飞还是降落 我想留下一切快乐重温 想留下你的笑容陪我终身 从青葱到成熟 再从轻松到冷酷 心里的话没人愿意倾诉 哪个力量更大时间还是钱 还没来得急想有是谁跟我再见 把事件定格在你美丽的眼 陪我走完前方的路 不管水深还是浅. Tumaris: Hey ,you suffer in this world that's all you deserve you cant fight devil's charm when he hold you in his arm you just cant seem to learn you know it's gonna burn crying in the fire let me breath; Hey ,you suffer in this world that's all you deserve you cant fight devil's charm when he hold you in his arm you just cant seem to learn you know it's gonna burn crying in the fire let me breath.