Ominous dream 凶しき夢から Traumatic age 醒めぬ永き夜 覚りし Third eye You can't hide you mind 蘇る戦慄に Cry and lose you herat 彷徨い続く灼熱の中で Moebius strip 永遠に 醒めぬ永き夜 目覚めし Realize You can't be kept out 蘇る戦慄に Cry and lose you herat 3rd Nightmare 覚る三付きの眼 恐れ潜む心 expose your heart of fear 3rd Nightmare 闇に病む人よ 晒すがいい心の醜き全てを 覚りし Third eye You can't hide you mind 蘇る戦慄に Cry and lose you herat 3rd Nightmare 覚る三付きの眼 恐れ潜む心 expose your heart of fear 3rd Nightmare 闇に病む人よ 晒すがいい心の醜き全てを