[00:00.12] [01:42.22]The cross pulled from his chest [01:46.72]Raises a welt [01:49.28]leaden in every limb [01:58.04]Sleep can watch for seizures [02:07.42]The legless man had directed him to a window [02:14.96]Window like blind eyes probed the mud [02:27.75]The minutes that were left [02:31.16]Ran across his throat stuffed with cotton [02:38.56]And his mouth could hear the distant splashes [02:46.01]A fever and his hand is worse [02:54.92]In the silent film days [03:00.02]He must remain an enigma [03:11.03]They climbed three flights of stairs to the night [03:20.06]Like a hundred pieces of glass [03:30.25]There were numerous outstretched hands [03:32.32]throwing shadows [03:33.88]A pair of shadows [03:36.18]Holding the three cornered hat of a cardinal [03:47.52]We move on to snake venoms [03:54.25]Oh Christ would spit on you [03:58.59]And that's who you remind me of [04:02.13]Beneath a musty green [04:07.39]The wound appears to be dying