[00:15.81]Walking on the road of the town which doesn't have definition [00:19.71]with no time and no meaning abstractedly. [00:23.37]Not feeling gravity and so many pressures from society, [00:28.29]I vacatly look up to sky. [00:31.01]Listening to turn around on the right, [00:33.65]the voices of my post-behaviors are heard one after another. [00:39.24]Looking back on the left,I can see my indicated future. [00:46.23]Not thinking in my mind the time along ruled line, [00:50.09]but 'the emontion' insights and structures all the existence. [00:54.91]Delusion in my dream reflects ideas in my reality. resound/// [03:03.09][01:16.79]Hope and desire are hanged out without realizing. [03:07.45][01:20.96]Conceptions are created by intentions. [03:10.62][01:24.26]Masterpiences of consciousness can also be said recklessness and thought no values. [03:18.15][01:31.77]Creative delusions shake the objective imaginatuon. [03:22.02][01:35.71]Unconsciously hope and desire change. [03:24.80][01:38.55]Cineraria which doesn't eat away by stress makes everything known to me. [03:29.85][01:43.38]Patterns of thinking link how I use to me. [02:55.19][02:47.91][01:47.04]時間(とき)を超えて今、僕の手に [01:50.83]理想と生きる記憶の投影 [01:54.62]平行線から生み出すイマジネーションとクオリア [02:02.18]写し映され虚無のストーリー [02:05.96]意味を持たない視覚の構築 [02:09.79]ほどこされた視野角は思念の時間(とき)を歪み動かしていく.. [02:17.59]曖昧な分だけ再生Re:再生 [02:21.17]ひときわ煌めくリアルな事象 [02:24.95]細胞は眠り無意識に育つ [02:28.81]永遠に続くローカダートゥ [02:32.66]制御不能なディープな迷路 [02:36.39]マリーの手を手繰り握りしめては [02:40.13]夢の瞑想·情景を描き [02:43.90]時間(とき)を超えて今..