If your mind seeds so many questions, Misery is never gone astray. Your trail, my thought, what an awkward System to be playing on the brain. My make-up, the pillow when I wake up, Stains in a way that seems to drown me. It's rude to point but attention's what I want, And she told me that I look like David Bowie. It's all in my mind now, But I can't help thinking why it's so so quiet. When I woke up it was like this, What a colourful day I have been welcomed with In the focus I wanted you to notice Everything I'm trying to improve Up early, I'm telling you a story So look at me when I'm talking to you A private number, I'm curiously under The impression that I'm subject to surveillance So tragic, I'm mixed up in the magic And everybody's trying to make a difference It's all in my mind now, But I can't help thinking why you're so so quiet. When I woke up it was like this, What a colourful day I have been welcomed with. You never wanted anything more, Are you, so clever, wanted everything more. It's all in my mind now, But I can't help thinking why you're so so quiet. When I woke up it was like this, What a colourful day I have been welcomed with