Extrasensony perseption She has a special power Extrasensony perseption She has a special power きのうの夜のテレビジョン 超能力特集 昔も未来も 彼女は当ててしまうんだって それは本当か嘘か 巧みに操るトリック きっとこれは作りもの 会ってみないとわからないよ E.S.P. 彼女はお化けとfriend 心の中も読める だけど本当なのか 一度会ってみたいな そんなことかまわず 続くTVプログラム つかの間の楽しみ 信じることにしようかな E.S.P. Does she have E.S.P. Yes, she has E.S.P. I wanna know what's real Extrasensony perseption She has a special power Extrasensony perseption She has a special power Does she have E.S.P. Yes, she has E.S.P. I wanna know Does she have E.S.P. Yes, she has E.S.P. I wanna know what's real Extrasensony perseption She has a special power Extrasensony perseption She has a special power Extrasensony perseption She has a special power Extrasensony perseption She has a special power