Inception启程了 Death's guiding us the way死亡会为我们引路 We fight till the end在这废墟之上 Among the ruins我们战斗到死 Illusion是幻觉吗? Of brighter days ahead明天就在前方 Through confusion and hatred, we try to understand在混沌与敌意之间,我们尝试去分辨 In silence, we stand alone无言地,站在一起 Caught in the eye满目疮痍 A quest for life beneath a stormy sky风暴正在天空中酝酿 The strength to rise again必须坚持下去 Time to realize是时候看清楚 Our race has come to nothing我们的努力完全白费 We'll start it all again必须从头再开始 The sun is dead now太阳已死 Fading away forever无可挽回地衰萎下去 The darkness prevails now黑暗已经胜利 But with the prayers of the dead但在死者的祈祷声中 Now a new light ascends from the stars繁星正投下一缕亮光 Confusion神志不清 The sadness and the pain这些伤心与痛苦 Matricide, the earth is now dead杀戮吧,大地已经死去 Remember the brighter days还记得以前的时光 When hope and joy were shining in our hearts我们心中也曾有过希望与梦想 Times have changed now, we suffer yet try to understand现在时势已变,我们依然要尝试去分辨 In silence, we stand alone无言地,站在一起 Caught in the eye满目疮痍 The fragments of my past to realize往日的残像依旧在徘徊 It's time to rise again必须坚持下去 In the world's demise在世界的遗骸中 Our race has come to nothing我们的抗争都徒劳无功 We'll start it all again必须从头开始 The sun is dead now太阳已死 Fading away forever无可挽回地衰萎下去 The darkness prevails now黑暗已经胜利 But with the prayers of the dead但在死者的祈祷声中 Now a new light ascends from the stars繁星正投下一缕亮光 The sun is dead now太阳已死 But in the end, what did we learn?而到最终,我们学会了什么? (solos) The sun is dead now太阳已死 Fading away forever无可挽回地衰萎下去 The darkness prevails now黑暗已经胜利 But with the prayers of the dead但在死者的祈祷声中 Now a new light ascends from the stars繁星正投下一缕亮光 Now a new light ascends from the stars繁星正投下一缕亮光