GIRL你从不担忧自己的外貌 你本来天生丽质 穿低胸短裙就可以出门 GIRL你从不担心自己的爱情 你天生就会打情骂俏 找一个完美王子是目标 Girl, you don’t have to worry about wealth. 女孩,你不必担心财富 You were born with money. 你生在富裕之家 Gril, you don’t have to worry about your job 女孩,你不必担忧自己的事业 You were born with freedom. 你生来就很自由 All you have to concern is how to entertain yourself everyday. 你只需思考怎样让自己玩乐每一天 Girl, you don’t like others one 女孩,你不像其他人 Who work hard day and night. 每天白天黑夜的工作 Girl,你跟别人不一样 and Who crave for man’s heart 去在乎男人的真心 You just need keep smile 你只需要笑一笑 他自然就会神魂颠倒 Girl, you don’t like others one 经常空虚寂寞无聊 Girl,你跟别人不一样 and Who平凡一无是处 You just need keep smaile 你只需要笑一笑 你就能得到你的索要 You were born in this way. 因为你天生就是白富美