歌手简介: atb简介:原名Andre'Tanneberger的atb,出生于1973年的东德, 从小便对电子舞曲产生了极高的兴趣,18岁时就成了当地Pub驻场DJ, 而有幸认识到一些他音乐生涯中的贵人Thomas Kulula、a.k.a.、General Base等, 开启atb的电音艺人之路,开始在自己的卧室创作电音。    短短一年后随即推出第一首单曲,也在随后数年间发行数首自己的作品,皆是颇受好评。 直到1998年,一首汽车广告曲"9PM(Till I Come)"冲上英美电音榜冠军及流行榜前10名, 不仅让atb的知名度扶摇直上成为炙手可热的人气电音巨星,更令atb合作邀约不断, Musical career:1980s–1997 In the late '80s, André frequented club Tarm Center in Bochum on the weekends to listen to the music of DJ Thomas Kukula (better known as the General Base). In 1992, he decided to try music composition himself. His equipment consisted of an Amiga computer and a small synthesizer. Thomas offered to let André use his recording studio to finish the song. In the studio, André used his first professional synthesizer Sequential Pro One, which he decided to name his first project after. Tanneberger started his music career with the dance music group Sequential One. In February 1993, Sequential One released their debut single "Let Me Hear You", followed by "Dance"/"Raving". Singles brought them small financial benefits; André gained the opportunity to organize a mini-studio. In 1994 the band increased by three members: Ulrich Poppelbaum, Woody van Eyden and vocalist Morpha. In early 1995 the House Nation label released the group's first album, Dance. After the great success in his native Germany, Sequential One gradually became known in other countries of Europe. The second album, Energy apart from Germany, was also released in the Netherlands, Austria, Switzerland and Hungary. Despite the success and growing popularity, two members of the project—Woody van Eyden and Morpha—still left in 1998. Only André and Ullrich were still left in the group. In 1999 Sequential One ceased to exist. Shortly before the collapse, André managed to release the last single "Angels" and the compilation album Decades.