It's our party we can do what we want 这是我们的派对,做我们想做的 It's our party we can say what we want 这是属于我们的盛宴,不论你想做什麽 It's our party we can love who we want 这是我们自己的派对,去爱我们想爱的 We can kiss who we want 亲吻自己所爱的 We can live who we want (2x) 我们的热情,对著自己的爱人燃烧 Red cups and sweaty bodies everywhere 每人手中都有个红色的酒杯,他们汗流浃背、热情如火 Hands in the air like we don't care 双手在空中摇摆著,我们已经脱离世俗 Cause we came to have so much fun now 因为现在,有太多有趣的事情正等著我们 Got somebody here might get some now 多邀请些人来与我们一道疯狂吧 If you're not ready to go home 如果你还没准备回家 Can I get a hell no 我可以准备玩得疯狂吗? Cause we gonna go all night 因为我们注定要玩通宵 Till we see the sunlight alright 直到我们看见日阳升起 So la da di da di, we like to party 来去派对吧! Dancing with Miley 跟著Miley一起跳舞 Doing whatever we want 做一些未曾做过的事情 This is our house 这是我们的地盘 This is our rules 我们自己的规则 And we can't stop 而我们就是停不了 And we won't stop 无法停止 Can't you see it's we who own the night 你看见了吗?被我们包下的夜晚 Can't you see it we who bout' that life 见识到了吗?人生由自己选择 And we can't stop 我们不会停下 And we won't stop 也不可能停下 We run things, Things don't run we 我们只负责跑摊、没有事能找麻烦 We don't take nothing from nobody 别做些无中生有的事 It's our party we can do what we want 这是我们的派对,做我们想做的 It's our party we can say what we want 这是属于我们的盛宴,不论你想做什麽 It's our party we can love who we want 这是我们自己的派对,去爱我们想爱的 We can kiss who we want 亲吻自己所爱的 We can live who we want 对著爱人燃烧自己的热情 To my homegirls here with the big butts 给那些乖乖女一人来一大罐酒 Shaking it like we at a strip club 摇摆吧,就像置身于脱衣舞嚷俱乐部 Remember only God can judge us 记住,只有上帝才管得著我们 Forget the haters cause somebody loves ya 忘了那些你讨厌的人吧 因为还有人迷恋著你 And everyone in line in the bathroom 很多人都在厕所搭上线了 Trying to get a line in the bathroom 试试可不可以钓一个看看 We all so turnt up here 我们都在这喝的滔天烂醉 Getting turnt up yea yea 你也来试试醉烂世界 So la da di da di, we like to party 来去派对吧! Dancing with Miley 跟著Miley一起跳舞 Doing whatever we want 做一些未曾做过的事情 This is our house 这是我们的地盘 This is our rules 我们自己的规则 And we can't stop 而我们就是停不了 And we won't stop 无法停止 Can't you see it's we who own the night 你看见了吗?被我们包下的夜晚 Can't you see it we who bout' that life 见识到了吗?人生由自己选择 And we can't stop 我们不会停下 And we won't stop 也不可能停下 We run things, Things don't run we 我们只负责跑摊、没有事能找麻烦 We don't take nothing from nobody 别做些无中生有的事 It's our party we can do what we want 这是我们的派对,做我们想做的 It's our party we can say what we want 这是属于我们的盛宴,不论你想做什麽 It's our party we can love who we want 这是我们自己的派对,去爱我们想爱的 We can kiss who we want 亲吻自己所爱的 We can live who we want 对著爱人燃烧自己的热情 It's our party we can do what we want 这是我们的派对,做我们想做的 It's our house we can love who we want to 这是我们的地盘,去爱我们想爱的 It's our song we can sing if we want to 这是我们的歌曲,去唱出最热血的心情 It's my mouth I can say what I want to 这是我的唇,不论我想说什麽 Yea, Yea, Yeah And we can't stop 而我们就是停不了 And we won't stop 无法停止 Can't you see it's we who own the night 你看见了吗?被我们包下的夜晚 Can't you see it we who bout' that life 见识到了吗?人生由自己选择 And we can't stop 而我们就是停不了 And we won't stop 无法停止 We run things, Things don't run we 我们只负责跑摊、没有事能找麻烦 We don't take nothing from nobody 别做些无中生有的事 Yea, Yea, Yea