You find me here alone 你在这里找到孤独的我 I hear a voice that's so unknown. 我听见了一个未知的声音 It strikes courage up my backbone, 猛然间在我背脊注满一股勇气 Strength in my heart. 心里充满了力量 A life set apart; 生活打开了崭新的篇章 I see that's what you are. 那一刻我明白那就是你 You come you come with open arms. 你热情地向我走来 You say I love you for who you are. 你说你爱真实的我 When I was haunted and alone 当我饱受困挠孑然一身 With this baggage on my back, dragging me down. 往事的包袱压在我背上 让我心力交瘁 You set me free, yeaahh. 你使我得到了解脱 You set me free, yeaahh. 是的 你解脱了我 You set me free. 你解脱了我 How quickly will I run away, 我飞也似地走开 And let it all go to my head. 我自以为是 I can't give in to my stubborn heart 我不能向我那颗固执的心低头 And let things that don't matter get in my way 让无关紧要的事阻碍我 Why can't we just listen, 为什么我们不能纯粹地去聆听 Break down our pride and go ahead. 抛下我们的骄傲勇敢去尝试 You come you come with open arms. 你热情地向我走来 You say I love you for who you are. 你说你爱真实的我 When I was haunted and alone 当我饱受困挠孑然一身 With this baggage on my back, dragging me down. 往事的包袱压在我背上 让我心力交瘁 You set me free, yeaahh. 是的 你解脱了我 You set me free, yeaahh. 是的 你解脱了我 oh when I'm weak, 当我脆弱的时候 You carried me, 你陪伴我 Through the storm, 走过狂风暴雨 You set me free 你打开了我心灵的枷锁 When I'm weak, 当我脆弱的时候 Oh, You carried me, 你陪伴着我 Through the storm, 走过狂风暴雨 You set me free, yeaaahh. 你打开了我心灵的枷锁 You come you come with open arms. 你热情地走向我 You say I love you for who you are. 你说你爱真实的我 When I was haunted and alone 当我饱受困扰孑然一身 With this baggage on my back, dragging me down. 往事的包袱压在我背上 让我心力交瘁 You set me free, yeaahh. 是的 你解脱了我 You set me free, yeaahh. 是的 你解脱了我