Qran try to fly in skay your face don`t have sunshine what would you do if you could fly? miss HIPHOP every time I hope your dream tie I help you to come ture your dream life RAP: That`s good at HIPHOP voice to be honest you don`t dancing They say take from HIPHOP HIPHOP in my life It must be staying they home just now.in the party***e on dancing look out of gril and youngman take off.like play better than show time 副歌: as soon as possible (dance dance every night) please youngman don`t shy (dance dance every night) RAP: HIPHOP的节拍 不会停下来 现在时代抵挡不住它的到来 精不精彩 自己来主宰 HIPHOP带来的爱 无法取代 你的依赖 我不会理睬 自作多情 是你的体现所热爱 闭上双眼 是否会飞起来 bengbengca这节拍 我想有所我期待 唱: 对于你的期待 时代没有时态 放正心态 对音乐的喜爱 喜欢你的爱 不要重头再来 dance in my life ,open your love 副歌: as soon as possible (dance dance every night) please youngman don`t shy (dance dance every night) RAP: ABC过后我们重续国语的精彩 不是装老外 等着你去崇拜 小朋友瞪着眼睛说姐姐不乖 我叫Qran 安琪然总装不出可爱 小弟弟小妹妹跟着我左右摇摆 屁股扭扭小手开始摆一摆 现在年代抵挡不住HIPHOP的到来 无法抗拒 彻底被它打败 dream on, hold on to sing your songs 当你失败后 你会不会想着生前的轻松 为了梦想独自一人徘徊 经历那么多 不要期待 刺中了要害 呈现出的Show time 培养乐观主义 传播嘻哈精神记住你我的喜爱 副歌: as soon as possible (dance dance every night) please youngman don`t shy (dance dance every night) *4