One day,in Teletubby Land, the Nunu was cleaning up. When he heard somebody coming. (La la la~lali lali lali la,la la la~) (Uh-oh,ha ha ha^0^) Look at Laalaa's knees.(Uh oh~) Laalaa's knees are all dirty. (Uh oh,laalaa knees all dirty O.O) Two dirty knees.(Two dirty knees.) Two dirty knees.(Uh oh~) Two dirty knees.(Two dirty knees.) Two dirty knees.(Uh oh~) (Bubudo bubudo bubudo~) (Uh oh~) (Uh oh Dipsy.Uh oh Laalaa) (ha ha ha^0^)) Look at Dipsy's knees.(Uh oh) Dipsy's knees are all dirty. (All dirty.They all dirty)( Four dirty knees.(Four dirty knees.) Four dirty knees.(Uh oh~) Four dirty knees.(Four dirty knees.) Four dirty knees.(Uh oh~) (Tincle Wincle Tinky Winky.....~ ) (Uh oh,Tinky Winky) (Uh oh Dipsy,Uh oh Laalaa) Look at Tinky Winky's knees.(Uh oh~) They are all dirty. (They are all dirty.All dirty^O^) (They all be dirty,ohohoh~) Six dirty knees.(Six dirty knees!) Six dirty knees.(Six dirty knees!) What are we going to do with six dirty knees?( (Uh oh~) It's time for tubby sponges. (tubby sponges!tubby sponges!) It's time for the teletubbies to wash their dirty knees with their tubby sponges (Washing washing.......) There,all clean now. (Laalaa knees all clean know!) Six dirty knees,Six dirty knees. Six dirty knees,wash them clean. (Six dirty knees,Six dirty knees.) (Six dirty knees, and you wash them clean.) (ha ha ha~~ Uh oh~ ^o^) Look at Po,she is dirty all over! (ha ha ha~ she is dirty all over.>"< ) (Uh oh~) One dirty Po,One dirty Po. One dirty Po,wash her clean. (Washing washing...) There,now Po is all clean.