She’s a little artsy She’s hip and cool She’s just like all those girls that ignored me all through school She’ s kind of indie and pretty hot She’s a lot like all the things that I am not There’s some Asian symbol tattooed on her wrist She’s got the kind of look that says “Hello world, I’m pissed”“ She’s sort of hostile Her guns are drawn Is it weird or just screwed up that I’m turned on? But that’s just a first impression I could be totally wrong It’s only a first impression and maybe she’s a stuffy and conservative way uptight girl who’s still a virgin Never goes past second base Until she marches down the aisle and finally ties the knot She could want a giant family Be an opera devotee Hell even have a PhD Yes that’s who she could be He’s a bit annoying and overdressed He’s got the kind of vibe that says “Look at me, I’m stressed”“ Probably likes to cuddle long walks in the park And if he likes s*x then it’s only in the dark But that’s just a first impression I could be totally wrong 3 and maybe he’s a nasty uninhibited ferocious tiger in the sack Who rides a harley, hits the gym and makes his money dealing crack to wealthy kids in private schools who treat him like a god He could kick some a*s just like Bruce Lee Engage in online piracy and not take any sh*t from me Yes that’s who he could That’s who she could That’s who she/he could be But that’s just a first impression I could be totally wrong It’s only a first impression and though the impression is strong It never can hurt to question though I doubt this will lead to romance Sometimes the ones who seem great Either way I’ve been burned but the one things I’ve learned Is often times first impressions are worth a second glance It’s worth a second glance A second glance It’s worth a second glance