Divine chair

Song Divine chair
Artist 斎賀みつき
Album Divine chair


[00:10.000] 唄:斎賀みつき feat.JUST with ELEKITER ROUND 0
[00:17.020] 「この世界(せかい)は腐(くさ)れきってる」
[00:21.380] 言(い)い聞(き)かせているのは
[00:25.740] ただ自分(じぶん)に毒(どく)を刺(さ)して楽(らく)になりたいだけ
[00:34.740] それでもどこかへ向(む)かうのは
[00:39.200] 何(なに)かを狙(ねら)っているんだろ
[00:44.080] たとえ脆(もろ)く一瞬(いっしゅん)でも
[00:47.860] 輝(かがや)くその為(ため)に
[00:52.220] 神(かみ)が座(すわ)るイスを
[00:56.620] 取(と)り合(あ)ってるイスを
[01:00.420] (Breaking the divine chair)
[01:01.080] 下(くだ)らないイス取(と)りゲーム
[01:05.380] 安(やす)いそのイスを
[01:09.100] 今(いま)すぐに叩(たた)き壊(こわ)せ
[01:31.220] 誰(だれ)もが皆(みな)、盲目(もうもく)になる
[01:35.600] 世界中(せかいじゅう)が騒(さわ)げば
[01:39.940] ジルコニアもプラスチックもゴミもみんなダイア
[01:49.040] 流(なが)れに飲(の)み込(こ)まれるのも
[01:53.340] 流(なが)れに逆(さか)らってみるのも
[01:58.280] 全部(ぜんぶ)オマエの自由(じゆう)だ
[02:02.100] ゲートが閉(し)まる前(まえ)に
[02:06.400] 誰(だれ)も居(い)ないイスを
[02:10.720] そこに無(な)いイスを
[02:14.300] (Breaking the divine chair)
[02:15.260] 廻(まわ)らされている事(こと)に
[02:19.620] やっと気付(きづ)いたら
[02:23.260] 輪(わ)を抜(ぬ)けて海(うみ)を目指(めざ)せ
[02:29.040] People around the chair
[02:31.040] People around the chair
[02:33.140] People around the chair
[02:35.380] around、around、around
[02:36.940] people play the musical chair
[02:38.960] people around the divine chair
[02:41.120] people play the musical chair
[02:43.340] people around the divine chair
[02:45.720] 今(いま)はそれに座(すわ)る
[02:50.000] そんな時間(じかん)は無(な)い
[02:54.380] 揺(ゆ)られながら眠(ねむ)くなって
[02:58.880] 終(お)わるつもりは無(な)い
[03:03.080] 神(かみ)が座(すわ)るイスを
[03:07.580] 取(と)り合(あ)ってるイスを
[03:10.880] (Breaking the divine chair)
[03:12.060] 下(くだ)らないイス取(と)りゲーム
[03:16.300] 安(やす)いそのイスを
[03:20.120] 今(いま)すぐに叩(たた)き壊(こわ)せ
[03:26.380] Break
[03:26.960] Break
[03:27.440] Break
[03:28.120] the divine chair
[03:30.120] Break
[03:30.640] Break
[03:31.200] Break
[03:31.740] Break
[03:32.600] the divine chair
[03:34.460] Break
[03:35.060] Break
[03:35.580] Break
[03:36.200] Break
[03:37.140] the divine chair
[03:38.740] Break
[03:39.360] Break
[03:39.940] Break
[03:40.540] Break
[03:41.400] the divine chair


[00:10.000] bei: zhāi hè feat. JUST with ELEKITER ROUND 0
[00:17.020] shì jiè fǔ
[00:21.380] yán wén
[00:25.740] zì fēn dú cì lè
[00:34.740] xiàng
[00:39.200] hé jū
[00:44.080] cuì yī shùn
[00:47.860] huī wèi
[00:52.220] shén zuò
[00:56.620] qǔ hé
[01:00.420] Breaking the divine chair
[01:01.080] xià qǔ
[01:05.380] ān
[01:09.100] jīn kòu huài
[01:31.220] shuí jiē máng mù
[01:35.600] shì jiè zhōng sāo
[01:49.040] liú yǐn ru
[01:53.340] liú nì
[01:58.280] quán bù zì yóu
[02:02.100] bì qián
[02:06.400] shuí jū
[02:14.300] Breaking the divine chair
[02:15.260] huí shì
[02:19.620] qì fù
[02:23.260] lún bá hǎi mù zhǐ
[02:29.040] People around the chair
[02:31.040] People around the chair
[02:33.140] People around the chair
[02:35.380] around around around
[02:36.940] people play the musical chair
[02:38.960] people around the divine chair
[02:41.120] people play the musical chair
[02:43.340] people around the divine chair
[02:45.720] jīn zuò
[02:50.000] shí jiān wú
[02:54.380] yáo mián
[02:58.880] zhōng wú
[03:03.080] shén zuò
[03:07.580] qǔ hé
[03:10.880] Breaking the divine chair
[03:12.060] xià qǔ
[03:16.300] ān
[03:20.120] jīn kòu huài
[03:26.380] Break
[03:26.960] Break
[03:27.440] Break
[03:28.120] the divine chair
[03:30.120] Break
[03:30.640] Break
[03:31.200] Break
[03:31.740] Break
[03:32.600] the divine chair
[03:34.460] Break
[03:35.060] Break
[03:35.580] Break
[03:36.200] Break
[03:37.140] the divine chair
[03:38.740] Break
[03:39.360] Break
[03:39.940] Break
[03:40.540] Break
[03:41.400] the divine chair