Sunshine阳光 Fading from your stare从你眼中消逝 Sometimes有时 It's better not to care最好冷眼旁观 And I can see your smile is withered我看见你憔悴的笑容 One more autumn leaf is drifting on the wind又一片秋叶随风飘落 Innocence is wasted枉费孩童的天真 And I so sorry that you never can replace it我很遗憾你对此束手无策 The darkest road ahead you're gonna have to face it你终将踏上黑暗无光的漫漫长路 Cause I can't always be there因我无法永远在你身边 For now I'II do the best I...但眼下我会倾尽所有... Can you你是否 Feel it on the wind?有所感觉? Changes改变 Weakened from within本能的懦弱 And I can take your hand and guide you我虽能牵着你的手,指引你前进 But hope is all that I can leave on your way但希望是我唯一能留给你的全部 Innocence is wasted枉费孩童的天真 And I so sorry that you never can replace it我很遗憾你对此束手无策 The darkest road ahead you're gonna have to face it你终将踏上黑暗无光的漫漫长路 Cause I can't always be there...因我无法永远在你身边 For now I'll do the best I can但眼下我会倾尽所有 Static on a broken radio坏收音机里发出的杂音 Down into the jaws of fate we go伴随我们的命运 Static on a broken radio坏收音机里发出的杂音 Down into the jaws of fate we go伴随我们的命运 Innocence is wasted枉费孩童的天真 And I so sorry that you never can replace it我很遗憾你对此束手无策 The darkest road ahead you're gonna have to face it你终将踏上黑暗无光的漫漫长路 Cause I can't always be there...因我无法永远在你身边