Oh come on away to the city携我同游哥伦比亚 A kingdom to behold一座只能遥望的帝国 Where the bluest skies they float on by它在最蓝的天空上漂浮 The streets all paved in gold街道由黄金铺就 Where under the smiles fair and pretty美丽动人的微笑之下 Are teeth so very white藏着洁白的牙齿 Into the bones of our burdened necks they bite刺入我们脖颈里的骨髓 Baptised in the water在水中接受洗礼 You're draining the well可你却要把水喝干 You built up your heaven你构筑起你的天堂 On the back of hell就在地狱的背后 Divine is the daughter我的天赐的女儿啊 The dream that you sell这就是我贩卖的梦想 You built up your heaven我构筑起我的天堂 On the back of helll就在地狱的背后 Breakin' our backs我们累断了脊梁骨 On breakin' down stones却仍在砸着大石 Raisin' up buildings建筑耸入云天 Breakin' down bones尸骨散作尘烟 Work all the night没日没夜地 And we work all the day卖命劳作 Don't get a choice man没有别的选择啊 Don't get a say也没有抱怨的权利 Well there's a stormcloud stirrin' now看那涌动着的乌云吧 Revolt!反抗! There's a stormcloud stirrin' now那里酝酿着一场风暴啊 Revolt!反抗! The filthy streets and the calloused feet肮脏的街道,粗糙的脚掌 And bloodshot Irish eyes爱尔兰劳工充血的眼 A floating haven for the craven一座懦夫的漂浮天堂 Nestled in the skies依偎在天空的怀抱 Well up and out and away with ya芸芸众生日日皆然 There's a fight outside your doors可战斗就发生在你家门外 The shining pride of America骄傲而闪耀的美利坚啊 Is a nation up for war一个穷兵赎武的国度 Revolt!反抗! Baptised in the water在水中接受洗礼 You're draining the well可你却要把水喝干 You built up your heaven你构筑起你的天堂 On the back of hell就在地狱的背后 Divine is the daughter我的天赐的女儿啊 The dream that you sell这就是我贩卖的梦想 You built up your heaven我构筑起我的天堂 On the back of hell就在地狱的背后 The hybrid face of time and space混杂的面容交错在时空之间 And all that's in between以及时空间的一切 Dimensions twist and turn amidst维度开始扭曲 The whims of one foreseen...陷入幻想中的未知世界 Songbird take me home带我回家,夜莺 I am lonely wherever I go我一直都是这样孤独啊 Sanctuary is all that know庇护所中的世界就是我的全部 And I dream of the sky但我梦见了天空 Broken clouds drifting by破碎的云翳掠过城市 And I dream of the sky我在天边遥远的梦啊 My utopian lie就在那里,筑起我的乌托邦! Take to the skies冲向苍穹 With my only freind执子之手 Every angel一切的终焉 Begins at the end都是开始