Tonite Reprise 今夜重奏 And the embers never fade in my city by the lake 湖畔,我的城市里,灰烬永不散烬 The place where I was born 我出生的地方 As the wind-up toys wind down 当发条玩具的发条走完 Muffling the sound of a life hidden underground 你能听到地下藏着的生命在蠢蠢欲动 Believe, believe in me 相信我吧 Believe 相信我 That you can change, that you're not stuck in vain 你能改变,你绝非一无是处 We're not the same, we're different tonite 今夜,我们都不一样 We'll crucify the insincere tonite 今夜,我们将处死伪善 We'll make things right, we'll feel it all tonite 今夜,我们将拨乱反正,我们将感受到这一一切 The impossible is possible tonite 今夜,一切皆有可能 Believe in me like I believe in you tonite 今夜,相信我,就像我相信你一样