作曲 : LOVE+HATE 作词 : 小坂りゆ Hear my heart, wandering inside your mind 聆听我的心,迷失在你的心中 I still can't let you go 我依然不能放手 Feel my hand, reaching out for you 感觉到我的手,正伸向你 there's nowhere I can rest my soul 世界上没有能让我灵魂得到安宁的地方 Yet again, somebody is crying all alone 再一次,独自在哭泣 lost in the night 迷失于夜幕中 A trick is played, fate is what we can't avoid 捉弄人的命运,我们不能避免 but now we have to move on 但现在我们要继续前行 Still I cherish what you gave to me 我依然珍惜你给我的一切 nothing can take it's place 没有东西能取得它的位置 Do you know how trapped 你可否知道我有多困扰 I am, don't leave me here alone 不要留下我孤单一人,好吗 Beautiful, the flowers bloom 美丽的花儿在盛放 her grace will never die 她的优雅永不枯败 Nothing can shake her mind 没有东西能动摇她的意志 she'll keep her face towards the blazing light 她将会正面那耀眼的阳光 Clouds that break away today 今天四散的乌云 share my pain oh guilty sky 分享我的痛苦吧,啊,罪恶的天空 Deep down inside I cried for my soul 在内心深处,我为我的灵魂哭泣 embraced the tears the flows 拥抱流下的眼泪 Don't you konw, there is a beginning 你可否知道,每一份痛苦 in every single pain 都有一个开端 Anxiously waiting for the end 不安的等待痛苦的终结 to come for it to fade away 等待它的消失 Now your warmth, 现在,你的温暖 all of that is vague for me to touch 所有的一切变得模糊,让我难以触摸 your love is faint 你的爱变得暗淡 No color there, can you see my hand 没有色彩的世界,你能看见我的手吗 it used to reach out for you every day 我每天都习惯的向你伸手 Silence catches up on me, 寂寞伴我而行 there's no longer a place for me 没有属于我的地方 Now I've reached my destiny 我现在已经触摸到我的命运 I'm walking for myself 我为自己前行 Beautiful, the flowers bloom 美丽的花儿在盛放 her grace will never die 她的优雅永不枯败 Nothing can shake her mind 没有东西能动摇她的意志 she'll keep her face towards the blazing light 她将会正面那耀眼的阳光 Love that breaks away today 今天离我而去的爱 Dreams are crashed in every way 梦想完全的破灭 Deep down inside I cried for my soul 在内心深处,我为我的灵魂哭泣 embraced the tears the flows 拥抱流下的眼泪 This wordl I am standing on 我所站立的土地 Needed some solitude 需要孤独 That truth I had to accept, soak it in 我所接受的真实,将孤独吞噬 Your shadow I can see 我看到你的影子 Your dream I can't awake 我不能在你的梦中醒来 I tried to trace it all 我尽力追寻这一切 Still I cherish what you gave to me 我依然珍惜你给我的一切 nothing can take it's place 没有东西能取得它是位置 Do you know how trapped 你可否知道我有多困扰 I am, don't leave me here alone 不要留下我孤单一人,好吗 Beautiful, the flowers bloom 美丽的花儿在盛放 her grace will never die 她的优雅永不枯败 Nothing can shake her mind 没有东西能动摇她的意志 she'll keep her face towards the blazing light 她将会正面那耀眼的阳光 Clouds that break away today 今天四散的乌云 share my pain oh guilty sky 分享我的痛苦吧,啊,罪恶的天空 Deep down inside I cried for my soul 在内心深处,我为我的灵魂哭泣 embraced the tears the flows 拥抱流下的眼泪 Seeking for the future, yeah 寻找未来,是的 I'll keep on dancing toward my shining days 我会继续在灿烂的生命中飞舞