On a plane to the West Coast, laptop on my tray Papers spread across my seat, a big deadline to make An older man sitting next to me said, "Sorry to intrude, Thirty years ago my busy friend, I was you. I made a ton of money and I climbed up the ladder, Yeah, I was superman, not what does it matter. I missed the first steps my daughter took The time my son played Captain Hook in ‘Peter Pan’ I was in New York, said ‘Sorry son, Dad has to work’ I missed the father daughter dance The first home run, no second chance To be there when he crossed the plate The moment’s gone now it’s too late Fame and fortune come with a heavy price Son, don’t miss your life." Funny you should say that, I was sitting at the gate My daughter called, she made straight A’s and they’re off to celebrate. Scrolling through the pictures of my little family My daughter with her mom and friends, not a single one with me. They know I love ‘em, I know they know I care The truth is half the time, I’m not even there. I missed our fourth and fifth anniversary Our girl was early by a week Her sister had to hold her hand I was in L.A., she said "I understand" I missed her first day of school Then what kind of crazy fool Lets such precious moments pass We all know time goes way too fast Hold on tight ‘cause it don’t happen twice Don’t miss your life. When I get off this plane, I’ll buy a turn-around ticket Saturday’s her eighth birthday and I’m not gonna miss it There’ll be balloons and birthday cake And I’ll clean up the mess they make My mom and dad are drivin’ in I haven’t seen ‘em in God knows when My wife will probably say to me "I thought you were supposed to be in Portland For a few more days", I’ll take her in my arms and say "I heard some words that hit me hard last night, A man said: ‘Don’t miss your life.’"