We could be the talk of the town tonight 今晚我们可以惊艳全场 Carry home your shoes in the morning light 疯狂至天亮再回家 Or we could just stay here a while 或者我们静如处子于此 Wrapped up in the quiet life 安享恬静生活 We could sail away to Tobago 我们可以远航至Tobago Fly across the Gulf of Mexico 飞越墨西哥湾 Or we could just stay here a while 或者我们静如处子于此 Wrapped up in the quiet life 安享恬静生活 Now and then i'm loving the world again 不时地发现自己深爱这世界 And i'll be fine living in the quiet life 我喜欢过恬静的日子 we could get a job on the movie screen 我们可以扬名荧幕 Smile on the cover of a magazine 微笑刊于杂志封面 Or we could just be man and wife 或者男耕女织 Happy in the quiet life 幸福安宁 Where the clock don't move so quick 那儿岁月之河缓慢流淌 Where the water don't make you sick 水也甘甜芬芳 Traffic don't keep you up at night 夜晚不再车水马龙 Here in the quiet life 来这享受闲适生活的乐趣吧 Now and then i'm loving the world again 不时地发现自己深爱这世界 And i'll be fine living in the quiet life 我喜欢过恬静的日子 living in the quiet life 过着恬静的日子 Sleeping by a firelight 安睡于炉火旁 Maybe i could make you smile 或许我能让你一直微笑 in the quiet life 在安静的日子里 We could be the talk of the town tonight 今晚我们可以惊艳全场