作曲 : 酒井洋明 作词 : 宫胁涉 (finale finale finale.  A bell resounding in town.) (finale finale finale.  A bell resounding in town.) [00:04.78 [00:06.53 The center of the battlefield. 「THE PAIN OF CATASTROPHE」 作曲∶酒井洋明 This world shot by intense sorrow gave the last warning to people. Thousands of lives were robbed, and thousands of tears were dropped. And I cannot sleep my town.  (warning)(warning)(warning)(warning) 壮絶な夜と小さな約束 愛した君のVisionさえ  今では歪んでしまって 激動の空の下 涙の訳を問う The people continued fighting so as to be cold-blooded. Badly-bruised this world did not feel even a pain. The song of the girl in hope of peace. Tears be the proof of living. 冷たい微笑み (black plot) 欲望に塗れ 状態不安定な餌と罠 (black plot) 蠢くmemory trick  現実を失わせるhighreturn (black plot) 弱さとはなんだ強さと はなんだ問い正した最後のジャッジメント (black plot) black plot  (black plot) black plot (finale finale finale.  A bell resounding in town.) (finale finale finale.  A bell resounding in town.) 愛した君のVisionさえ 今では歪んでしまって 冷酷な悲しみを 凍てつく雨が裂く この掌の中にある 小さな真実の種が 荒れ果てた地に咲いた 望みの花となる 終わりを告げる 鐘が鳴り 人々は街へ 雲の隙間に陽が差して 奪ってゆくこの涙を? 【 おわり 】