Well I came across a child of God, he was walking along the road 我曾遇見一個神一般的小孩,他正踽踽獨行、形影單隻 And I asked him tell where are you going, this he told me: 我問他正要去哪玩,他對我說: Well, I'm going down to Yasgur's farm, going to join in a rock and roll band. 我正要去Yasgur的牧場,去加入一個搖滾樂團 Got to get back to the land, set my soul free. 夜宿在大地的臂彎,解放靈魂盡情狂歡 We are stardust, we are golden, we are billion year old carbon, 我們是散落的星骸、依舊各自燦爛,閃亮耀眼 And we got to get ourselves back to the garden. 而我們終究回歸,那片太初的花海 Well, then can I walk beside you? I have come to lose the smog. 讓我與你同行同在,抖落一身的人世塵埃 And I feel like I'm a cog in something turning. 讓我像是一個命運的齒輪,不斷地旋轉 And maybe it's the time of year, yes, and maybe it's the time of man. 或許那只是似水流年裡的片段,也或許那是片段人生裡的流轉 And I don't know who I am but life is for learning. 就算迷失了我的存在,但你會學到生命本是一場跌撞意外 We are stardust, we are golden, we are billion year old carbon, 我們是散落的星骸、依舊各自燦爛,閃亮耀眼 And we got to get ourselves back to the garden. 而我們終究回歸,那片太初的花海 By the time we got to Woodstock, we were half a million strong, 我們加入了Woodstock的時代,我們成就數十萬人堆起的城垣 And everywhere there was song and celebration. 瀰漫著歌聲,與慶祝的呼喊 And I dreamed I saw the bombers jet planes riding shotgun in the sky, 我夢到眼前盡是勇士們騎著槍桿非像無垠的天涯 Turning into butterflies above our nation. 幻化成無盡的蝶海,振翅在我們的國境之外 We are stardust, we are golden, we caught in the devil's bargain, 我們是散落的星骸,依舊各自燦爛,在心魔利益威脅裡 無法動彈 And we got to get ourselves back to the garden. 總有一天我們把自我奪回來 ,一同回到,那片太初的花海