Isshun no Chiri

Song Isshun no Chiri
Artist Aqua Timez
Album Dareka no Chijoue


2008 扉の向こうへ まだまだ行けるはず 可能性の証明
不透明な未来 月光が照らすあの輝きはフローレスダイヤ?
旅から旅だ また今日から明日 逆境をモノにしたもん勝ちだ
無論 山あり谷あり崖あり 今、現在28年目の「駆け出し」
クールとは違うドライな笑い声が 鼓膜から心臓へ冷たく走る
混じる 野次と歓声のワンセット これぞ健全 我以外皆我師
水溜りに映る月 飛び越え 我が身で耕すのみ
没頭し続ける背後に 夜明けが鳥のさえずりを連れてくる
立ち込める霧はまだ 世界を滲ませてる
I know it's not always easy but
I know somewhere that the sun is rising.
眠たげな陽射しを蹴散らして ロクデナシなりに描いてく未来図
I know it's not always easy but
I know somewhere that the sun is rising.
月光が照らし出したのも せいぜい錆びかけのスプーン 百も承知
メソメソと小雨が泣き出す日曜日 濡れたアスファルトの独特な匂い
あなたは誰の腕の中で目を覚ます? 一人どうにか女々しさ片す
会いたい人を想う間に こぼれ落ちてく一日 淋しき我
get the glory 全力を賭す 努力の範疇でだけは後悔のないように
胸にしまうべき言葉 声に出すべき言葉 おのずと見えてくる
厚かましい程に堂々 放つ魂の波動砲
この清きこともなき世を 泥に咲く蓮のように
色づくまで 悲哀を温めては 「紡ぎ歌」にしてゆく
糸くずは風に抱かれ 冬空に舞う
I know it's not always easy but
I know somewhere that the sun is rising.
降り積もる真っ白い刹那 気付けば記憶の闇に溶けていく
I know it's not always easy but
I know somewhere that the sun is rising.
俺はその闇に用がある no pain, no gain 置き去りの痛みに学ぶ
I know it's not always easy but
I know somewhere that the sun is rising.
眠たげな陽射しを蹴散らして ロクデナシなりに描いてく未来図
I know it's not always easy but
I know somewhere that the sun is rising.
きらめきはいつも一瞬 そのために百の瞬間積み上げる


2008  fēi xiàng  xíng  kě néng xìng zhèng míng
bù tòu míng wèi lái  yuè guāng zhào huī?
lǚ lǚ  jīn rì míng rì  nì jìng shèng
wú lùn  shān gǔ yá  jīn xiàn zài 28 nián mù qū chū
wéi xiào shēng  gǔ mó xīn zàng lěng zǒu
hùn  yě cì huān shēng  jiàn quán  wǒ yǐ wài jiē wǒ shī
shuǐ liū yìng yuè  fēi yuè  wǒ shēn gēng
méi tóu xu bèi hòu  yè míng niǎo lián
lì ru wù  shì jiè shèn
ài mèi piào xī wàng cháo xiào
I know it' s not always easy but
I know somewhere that the sun is rising.
mián yáng shè cù sàn  miáo wèi lái tú
I know it' s not always easy but
I know somewhere that the sun is rising.
yuè guāng zhào chū  qiāng  bǎi chéng zhī
xiǎo yǔ qì chū rì yào rì  rú dú tè bi
shuí wàn zhōng mù jué?  yī rén nǚ piàn
huì rén xiǎng jiān  luò yī rì  lín wǒ
get the glory  quán lì dǔ  nǔ lì fàn chóu hòu huǐ
zì fēn zì shēn
xiōng yán yè  shēng chū yán yè  jiàn
hòu chéng táng  fàng hún bō dòng pào
qīng shì  ní xiào lián
sè  bēi āi wēn  fǎng gē
mì fēng bào  dōng kōng wǔ
I know it' s not always easy but
I know somewhere that the sun is rising.
jiàng jī zhēn bái chà nà  qì fù jì yì àn róng
I know it' s not always easy but
I know somewhere that the sun is rising.
ǎn àn yòng  no pain, no gain  zhì qù tòng xué
I know it' s not always easy but
I know somewhere that the sun is rising.
mián yáng shè cù sàn  miáo wèi lái tú
I know it' s not always easy but
I know somewhere that the sun is rising.
yī shùn  bǎi shùn jiān jī shàng