廿四味-superstar 天才与白痴 你知定我知 天才与白痴 冇咁易会知 天才与白痴 你知定我知 天才与白痴 冇咁易会知 Media mother fuckers in the air yo! Drink more think less y’all be careful! media junkie’s, media whores.. yeah! Be cool, stay calm, hold ya’ll balls yeah! Sugar daddy and the place to be Fame shit, big tits, roaming free Motherfuckin problem with HKC Player haters, sad bitches superstars to be! 你着亲嗰啲衫就代表最兴 你最兴就喺嗰度扮哂明星 知唔知自己系路人甲乙丙丁 冚家拎就系你既名称 懒型既外表但系又里面冇料 仲要揸住支咪乱西咁屌唔好讲少 睇你个样有几分似William Hung个老表 唔好喺度扮哂hip-hop代表 你要做明星 点睇都似谐星 你着到点样bling bling都唔会将你人气提升 你嘅命运都系注定一铺清 Superstar 你有冇谂自己系 Superstar 你有冇谂一谂边个系? Superstar Ah ha, Who’s a superstar? Yeah,Yeah,Who’s a superstar? Maybe they feel the need to propaganda us Maybe nowadays there ain’t no news you can trust Maybe drama sells and that’s why all the fuss Lolita on the cover wit the 3D bust No nice designs and yo’ the wack headlines Do they think the population’s stupid -Dumbin’ our minds? It’s the sign of our times Lemon turns to lime Grapes to wine And our reality lies right in front of our eyes To the motherfuckin痴捻线 又话自己Superstar你真系痴线 顶你个肺你老豆老味真曳 你唔好误会我唔系嬲净系顶唔顺想呕 开亲电视实见到屎 换捻左嗰班歌星快啲快啲 点解有料又唔捧 捧埋晒啲白痴 靓唔靓由个心出 唔系有好捻多LOOT 救命救命快啲Wyman Mark雷林夕积极积极 比啲识唱歌嗰班出色出色 全港嘅人努力努力 努力啲呀喂 何谓明星究竟点样厘定 恨做明星既你好想成名 我对成名曾经充满住美丽憧憬 虚名 虚荣 太多数唔清 上帝请你给我智慧去做出决定 向往成名既我系时候要苏醒 曾经就系曾经过去有太多凭证 懂得乐天知命但未必值得高兴 我问上帝 请你听见Superstar喺我头顶闪闪下 我问上帝 请你听见Superstar喺我头顶闪闪下 我问上帝 请你听见Superstar喺我头顶闪闪下 我问上帝 请你听见Superstar喺我头顶闪闪下 Superstar 你有冇谂自己系 Superstar 你有冇谂一谂边个系? Superstar Ah ha,Who’s a superstar? Yeah,Yeah,Who’s a superstar?