Watch out, you might get what you're after 小心,你可能会梦想成真 Cool babies, strange – but not a stranger 宝贝,我并不是陌生人 I'm an ordinary guy 我只是普通人 Burning down the house 把房子烧了 Hold tight, wait‘til the party’s over 在这等着,等派对结束 Hold tight, you're in for nasty weather 在这等着,糟糕的天气 There has got to be a way 这里有一条出路 Burning down the house 把房子烧了 Here's your ticket, pack your bag 拿着你的票,收拾行李 Time for jumpin' overboard 是时候跳船了 Transportation is here 这儿交通方便 Close enough, but not too far 接近点,但别跑远了 Maybe you know where you are 也许你知道自己在哪 Fightin' fire with fire 以毒攻毒 All wet, this – you might need a raincoat 全身湿了,你需要一件雨衣 Shakedown, dreams walking in broad daylight 傻了,光天化日在梦游 Three hundred sixty five degrees 三百六十五度 Burning down the house 把房子烧了 It was once upon a place 站在这个地方 Sometimes I listen to myself 有时我会听到自己的心声 Gonna come in first place 那是我胜利的声音 People on their way to work said;“baby, what did you expect?” 上班族说,宝贝你想啥呢? Gonna burst into flames 冲进火海 Burning down the house 把房子烧了 My house, is out of the ordinary 我的房子是与众不同的 That's right, don't want to hurt nobody 是的,我不想伤害任何人 Something sure can knock me off my feet 有东西让我神魂颠倒 Burning down the house 就是把房子烧了 No visible means of support 没有身无分文 And you have not seen nothing yet 你看到了没有 Everything’s struck together 所有东西都一团糟 I don't know what to expect 我不知道在期待什么 Stare into the TV-set 眼睛死盯着电视机 Fightin'fire with fire 以毒攻毒 Burning down the house! 把房子烧了吧!