where come the prophets from the past you say who saved the people kept oppressors at bay stricking the wicked made them slither and hide from the mountainside he gathered the people both young and old preaching the truth about the lies they told curing the sick with only a touch of his hand all across the land some people say you got to throw the past away still I pray these lessons learned will not decay but soon the storm clouds began to reign destiny pointing it's finger with distain the shadows perched in trees like birds of prey to choke the light of day some people say you got to throw the past away still I pray these lessons learned will not decay They build their towers of lust and greed raping our minds to plant their seed and from the ashes can't you see the tattered wings of our reality the wolves dressed up to lead the meek like sheep babbling promises they know they can't keep weaving their web of lies and utter deceit the huddled masses by their feet so where come the prophets from the past you say who saved the people kept oppressors at bay and don't you forget that man was crucified on the mountainside on the mountainside on the mountainside