[00:22.21]Langue in me l'eco infranto(Languishes in me the broken echo) [00:31.48]al truce sguardo dell'angelo cieco (at the grim look of the blind angel) [00:41.56]rovina in me l'antica rima (ruins in me the ancient rhyme) [00:51.62]nel cuor del cigno ferito e morente(in the heart of the wounded, dying swan) [01:01.12]Cosmi di eternita' tradita (Worlds of betrayed eternity) [01:11.56]di verita' svanite che ora versano (Of vanished truth, that are now shedding) [01:21.70]lacrime d'addio in un vuoto nero(Tears of farewell into a black void) [01:29.70]sincero e fiero al mio destino andro'(Proud and sincere, I'll go (to meet) my destiny) [01:43.24]URLA IL TUONO (The thunder cries) [01:47.79]AL MIO LAMENTO EROICO (my heroic lament,) [01:52.42]SORTE CONSUMA LA REALTA'! (fate consume reality.) [02:18.50]Spiriti di mondi arcani (Spirits of arcane worlds) [02:28.06]chiedo la vita al di la' della morte (I ask for life beyond death) [02:38.69]per allinear le stelle amiche (To align the friendly stars) [02:49.00]e diventar guardiano celeste (And to become a celestial guardian) [03:00.00]Custode di eternita' guarita (Keeper of healed eternity) [03:09.00]di verita' trovate per tutti i figli di madre terra(Of truth found for all children of mother earth) [03:21.54]sempre a lei ho dato la vita la morte (Always to her I have always given (my) life. (my) death.) [03:33.02]cosi' continuero'! (thus I will continue.) [03:41.03]URLA IL TUONO (The thunder cries) [03:45.07]AL MIO LAMENTO EROICO (my heroic lament,) [03:49.90]SORTE CONSUMA LA REALTA'! (fate consume reality.) [03:54.50]URLA IL TUONO (The thunder cries) [04:00.67]AL MIO LAMENTO EROICO (my heroic lament,) [04:05.02]SORTE CONSUMA LA REALTA'! (fate consume reality.)