千变万化高速转换的晕眩 习惯之後却丝毫没感觉 迎面而来各种表情的嘴脸 而我却觉得没有什麽分别 整理自己凌乱不堪的房间 心情回到俄罗斯的冬天 再喝一口没有加糖的咖啡 剩下的只是不断重覆的厌倦 So I can't see , I can't go away when you lying in my arms. So I can't leave , I can't let you go away when you still in my mind. 千变万化高速转换的晕眩 习惯之後却丝毫没感觉 迎面而来各种表情的嘴脸 而我却觉得没有什麽分别 整理自己凌乱不堪的房间 心情回到俄罗斯的冬天 再喝一口没有加糖的咖啡 剩下的只是不断重覆的厌倦 So I can't see , I can't go away when you lying in my arms. So I can't leave , I can't let you go away when you still in my mind. Sell all my food and see all my books and sell all I have and sell my everything to change , to change… Sell all my toys and sell all my dreams and sell all I have and sell my everything to change , to be free So I can't see , I can't go away when you lying in my arms. So I can't leave , I can't let you go away when you still in my mind. end...